Trouble Maker... Chapter Eight

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"Here you go. Is there anything else I can get for you guys?" You asked the three men who were sat at one of the cafés tables. They were regular customers. The three of them looked you up and down as they smiled. They were total sleazeballs, they gave you such a bad feeling. "Yeah, what time do you get off work cutie?" One man said to you. 'Is he trying to pick me up??' you thought to yourself. "Your check is $12.50." I said, ignoring the man's question. His smirk turned into a snarl, his hands turned into balled up fists on the table. "Doll, you didn't answer my question" He remarked as his sleazeball friends looked at you with the same snarl.
"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in that stuff. Your check is $12.50.." You said as you repeated the price of their coffee, keeping your head down this time. The three men all stood up, as the tallest one stepped towards you. 'Shit'  You thought. He placed his large hand on your shoulder and squeezed.
"What time do you get off of work, sweetheart." The man repeated once more. However, you froze in fear. You hated the feeling of physical contact, and you especially didn't like how these men made you feel. "Answer me woman!" The man yelled at you. You instantly tried to move away from him, but he kept you in place. "Let me go!" You yelled back at him. He raised his hand, getting ready to strike you and you closed your eyes, preparing for impact. But after a few moments you didn't feel anything. Slowly you opened your eyes, and you could heard soft squeaking coming from the man. When you saw what was happening. A tall man with Ivory hair, and wearing a bright red suit vest, stood in front of you. He had his back towards you, but had one hand grasped around the other man's throat. Your eye's widened in fear once you recognized who the man in front of you was.

 "Mr. LeBlanc??" You asked in shock. But instead of answering you, he brought the man closer to his face and spoke to him with a harsh tone. "Have your parents ever told you that it's not polite to treat a woman that way?" The man tried gasping for air. "Get out, and don't trouble this kind lady ever again." The man simply nodded and Alastor let him go. All three of the men left in a hurry. Alastor fixed his vest, and wiped his sleeves off. "Are you alright my dear? He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked you with concern in his voice. "Y-Yes I'm fine... thank you Mr. LeBlanc." You said in a rather shaky voice. "Please dear, call me Alastor." He responded. You nodded and looked around you. Some people were still looking at you while others, mostly the workers, had just went back to minding their own business. "I think you should go home early today. I will walk you home so those men don't do anything else to you." He stated in a rather stern voice. He walked over to another worker and told them that you were leaving early today. Once he came back you said that there was no need to walk with you, since you didn't live too far from here but he wouldn't budge. So there you were, walking with the man who had just saved you minutes before hand. As you two were walking down the street, a group of women ran up to Alastor. "Mr. Alastor! I Love your broadcasts so much!!" One of the girls practically squealed.
"Mr. Alastor! Would you like to maybe go out with me tonight?" Another pleaded. You could see how uncomfortable the man beside you was. But he kept the same smile, he always had on. "Sorry ladies," He said. "I'm afraid I'm not in the best of moods to have conversations. Maybe we can chit chat another time, but I must be going now. Good day ladies!" He finished as he held your hand in his, and pushed through the crowd. Your face flushed pink. You didn't know why, but you could feel your heart beating faster. 'What is your malfunction Y/n? You barely even know this man! Get a hold of yourself.'  You thought. You shook your head and kept walking. 

Once you had arrived to your place, you realized that the two of you had been holding hands ever since you passed through the group of women. You quickly removed your hand from his grasp and both of you blushed. "Ah, my apologize dear, I didn't realize..." He paused mid-sentence, trying to look for a proper word. "It's fine... um, thank you for helping me out there." You said to him, your gaze lowered. 
"It's my pleasure darling. If you ever need me," He said to you as he reached into one of his pockets, and pulled out what looked like some sort of business card. "This is my number." 
"Thank you." You replied, as you took the card from the mans hand. "Have a good day Alastor"
"You too my dear. I hope to see you soon!" He said as he then walked off. Once he was far enough away, you unlocked your door and stepped inside.

"I need a fucking drink.." You said with a heavy sigh, as you leaned yourself up against the door. Standing yourself upright, you made your way into the kitchen and opened your fridge. You scanned the shelves but you saw no alcoholic drinks. 'Guess I'm not having a drink after all..'  you thought to yourself. You closed the fridge door and went into the living room and flopped down onto the couch. With a groan, you sat up and switched on the radio that was sat neatly on the side table. And the cherry on top was that it had been switched to none other than Alastor's channel! You rolled your eyes but didn't bother to switch it. Instead you sat there and listened, and after some swing music stopped playing, you could hear Alastor's voice.

"Good afternoon sweet New Orleans!" His voice boomed through the speakers. "I hope you are all having a wonderful day, with the clear skies and cool wind. And as usual, our killer strikes again! Early this morning, police discovered a man's body in an alleyway near the cozy Cakes Café!" Shock hit you like a ton of bricks. Last night on your way home from work you had heard muffled cries! You could have been killed if you had decided to go investigate! "Stay safe out there! And stay tuned~." The sound of jazz came back on through the speakers of the radio but you didn't seem to notice. You didn't have words in that moment. But you were broken from your trance by Momo jumping onto your lap. The cats purring and cute meows were enough to distract you from the shocking news for only a few minutes. 

When you came back to reality, you noticed that it had grown very dark out. You must have been zoned out for longer than you had originally thought, the radio still on. You switched it off, and stood up and went to the kitchen to feed Momo. As you were walking back into the living room, you heard a loud crash coming from outside your home. You walked towards the nearest window that was facing in the same direction of the noise but saw nothing, so you just summed it up to a fat raccoon. You walked into your bedroom and got dressed. 
Little did you know, you had forgotten to lock your door. Unbeknownst to you, you had an unexpected visitor...

(??? POV)

I let myself inside her house, making sure to be as quiet as possible. Closing the door behind me, I scan the area. After a few minutes of standing in silence to make sure the coast was clear, I made my way down the far hallway at the other end of her house. As I make my way to the end of the hallway, I make sure to look in every room as I go. 'Bathroom, closet, guest bedroom... ah here she is..' I thought to myself. My smile grew a little as I saw her peacefully sleeping in her bed. 'Brrow?' My head whipped to the direction of the noise and pointed my knife at it. I let out a quiet sigh of relief when I found out it was just a cat. I lowered my arm down and put my knife in its holster. I opened the door of her bedroom and stepped inside. 'She looks so peaceful... not having to worry about the danger that surrounds her when she's most oblivious, not having to struggle with the voices of dead souls yelling at you all the time..' I thought to myself. Unknowingly my hands ball up into fists. 'Kill her!'  'She never cared about you!!'  'She doesn't even remember your name!'  'She's too helpless. Why not let her fight for her life...'  I froze when she started to move around in her bed. My eye's widening and my smile twitching as I could feel my heart beat pick up in speed. Once she settled back down I carefully sat down in one of the single chairs she had, and neatly crossed one leg over the other and watched her. After what seemed to have been an hour went by, I carefully got up and walked over to her. I moved a few loose strands of hair away from her face, and a small smile formed on her lips. 'Cute..'


I Hope you liked this chapter :3
wHo EvEr CoUlD tHiS iNtUuDeR bE?😰 lol.
Anyways. as always,
Stay tuned~ for the next chapter!!

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