New Life Chapter Seven

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You were late for work.. again. You ran as fast as you could to catch your train, swerving past people in your way and even jumping over gates. It was 1923, so seeing a women jumping over a gate isn't something you would see everyday, and wasn't exactly "lady like" or "polite." But at the current moment you really couldn't care less. You had just recently moved out of your home in Rose City, and had moved all the way to New Orleans for your job, that you were pretty sure you'd probably be fired anyways seeing as you were late almost every day. You worked as a journalist, ever since you were discharged from the hospital when you were 12, your sight has only been improving, and your new found love for writing started once you turned 15. 
You saw the train starting to move away from the station, and you had barely made it onto the back before it was completely out of reach. You sighed in relief. "I'll actually be on time today" You said with a slight chuckle. Once the train arrived at your stop, you got off and walked the rest of the way. 

On your way to work, you stopped dead in your tracks when you noticed a very beautiful, yet familiar radio. It looked exactly like the one your childhood friend had. He wouldn't stop talking about it at school, since he had got it the morning of. He was so happy. You laughed a little at the memory but soon stopped as you continued to relive it. The morning after he had gotten the radio, he just vanished. You don't remember what had happened, you were too young to pinpoint it, and you couldn't for the life of you remember his name. You just shrugged and continued on your way. 
You walked through the front doors of the building and past your bosses office. "Y/n, come here for a minute please." You heard your bosses voice coming from inside his office. You silently groaned as you slowly turned around and made your way inside, and closed the door behind you. "Yes sir?" You asked as you stepped inside and waited for his reply.
"Please, come sit down. I have a new job for you." You were relieved that he wasn't about to fire you. "You know that new radio host down by the local station?" He questioned me. I nodded in response. You have heard about him but you never understood why all the girls were so obsessed about him. "Mr. LeBlanc?" You said.
"Yes! That would be the man in question. I need you to try and get an interview with him. Do you think you can do that kid?" He asked you. "I've already notified another staff member there about your arrival." He finished. Great, you didn't even really have a say in this.
"Yeah, I can do that for you sir. When do you want me to head over there?" You asked him, not really ecstatic about the whole event. "Right now would work." He said as he silently told you to leave by turning around, so he was facing the large window that overlooked a small portion of the city. You got up from the chair you had been sat in and made your way out of the building. Once outside you headed for the slim, tall building, that currently had one of the most famous radio hosts in town.

Inside the radio station, you could see a man around six feet tall with short blond hair and bright green eyes, looking right at you. "Ah! Hello, you must be Y/n! your boss called in saying you'd be here to interview one of our best!" He said very enthusiastically as he walked over to you with a wide smile. "Yeah.. that would be me." You said with a false smile, still trying to be polite. 
"Amazing! Come with me. Mr. LeBlanc is on air right now, but I'm sure he'll see you once he's finished." He said as he wrapped his arm around you and gave you a side hug. You weren't one for physical touch. "Oh. Alright then.." You replied. He led you up a few sets of stairs while making small talk. Once on the proper floor, he led you to a room with a bunch of office desks and a singular couch, next to a door with a sign on top that said "On Air" and was glowing a soft red. "Please have a seat, he'll be out shortly." The man said to you as he motioned towards the brown couch. You walked towards it and sat down, placing your notebook on your lap and neatly folding your hands and set them on top.

About fifteen minutes later, the "On Air" sign lost it's red glow and the door underneath it opened. A tall, good looking, man walked out. He had darker shaded skin, hazel eye,  very short auburn hair, and wore a fancy red suit vest over a white button-up shirt and dark brown pants and had black leather shoe's on. But he didn't seem to notice you so you just stayed seated since he walked over to the man you had met before, hoping he would point you out to him. "Ah, another amazing broadcast Al!" The blond man said. 
"Thank you my friend!" The other man replied with a wide perfect smile. He brushed his finger through his hair as he set a thing of paper down at what you could only guess was his desk. 
"Oh! And Al, you have a visitor!" The man you first met said. The other man, who was being called Al, rolled his eyes. "I told you, I don't want any of those 'Fan girls' into the station." He said with annoyance. "Oh no, no. It's a news reporter from the building just a couple blocks down. Her boss called in not too long ago. He wants her to interview you." He stated. 
"An interview?" He said, looking in your direction and then back at his coworker. "I don't see why not." He stated, and walked over and sat down next to you. You shifted you body so you could face the man properly and gave him a kind smile, which he returned. "Hello my dear! How can I be of assistance?" The man said. He had a lower voice, but it wasn't gravely. But rather it was quite smooth. "Mr. LeBlanc, It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Miss L/n. I just need you to answer a few questions for me if that's okay." You told him. His smile closed but never faltered, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at you. He seemed to be thinking. "Sir? Is everything alright..?" You asked him once he hadn't answered your previous question. 
"Ah, yes I'm sorry my dear. Your name is just very familiar to me. But I suppose it's quite a popular name." He said as he shook his head. "Now, about those questions." he finished. 
"Okay, um. What made you want to become a radio host?" I asked him. He nodded and and looked forwards. "Well, I suppose that I wanted to be a radio host at the young age of 12, when I had gotten my very first radio from my mother!" He answered your question in a very happy tone. "That was so nice of her," You replied. "did anyone inspire you?"
"No, I'm completely original darling." He said with a little laugh. You gave a little chuckle as well before moving on.

After the interview was over, he walked you to the front doors. "Well Miss L/n, It was an absolute pleasure meeting you. I do hope that we run into each other one day. Have a nice day." He said to you. You said goodbye and made your way back to the office before heading home. However you missed your train, and had to walk home. By the time you were about halfway there, the sun had already set, and the street lamps had already turned on. It was quite dangerous to be alone at night in the streets of New Orleans, so you kept to yourself and sped up your pace. You were almost home when you heard what you thought was a muffled scream. But your gut told you to just keep walking and that's exactly what you did. Once you got home, you fed your cat Momo, and flopped onto your bed and instantly fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up to the sound of your alarm going off on your bedside table. You had only been asleep for about three or four hours. You got up out of bed, and opened your closet. You got changed into your work uniform and went out into the living room and into the kitchen. Once you enter your kitchen, you could feel something furry rub up against your leg. It was Momo, looking up at you with her pretty blue eyes.

She was still just a kitten, but was the cuddliest, fluffiest, cutest little thing you've ever seen

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She was still just a kitten, but was the cuddliest, fluffiest, cutest little thing you've ever seen.
You found her at the side of a road, when you had just moved into your new home. The poor little thing had been abandoned by its mother, and was the only surviving kitten. So of course you had to take it in. And ever since then, she's always been at your side.
"Aw, Momo are you hungry?" 'Meow' it was as if she could understand what you were saying. "Oh okay." You bent down, bowl in hand with cat food ready to go, and placed it down. "There you go babes" You finished saying as you smiled and looked down at your cat as she happily ate her meal. You looked up at the clock that was placed above the stove. "Shit! I'm late. See you later Momo!" You called out as you ran out the front door and locked it behind you as you started to make your way to your second job.


I hope you liked this chapter!!! ( 1731 words) Stay tuned~ for the next update!!!
Also, if you want to see a detailed picture of momo, i'm putting one in the information chapter at the front :3 anyways byeeeeeee

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