Book's And Roses Chapter Nine

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You were sat in a cozy coffee shop, book in hand. It was your day off from both of your jobs, so you spent it doing what you like to do most. Read.
You were minding your own business, completely tuned out from your surroundings, when you suddenly felt a light tap on your shoulder. You looked up from your book to see who it was, trying to grab your attention when you saw Alastor and his famous white-teethed smile, looking right back at you. "Hello my dear! I thought I had spotted you in here. How are you?" He asked you in his cheery tone. "Oh, Hello Alastor. I'm doing fine, how are you?" I replied, but strangely, I wasn't upset that someone had disturbed my reading like I would have usually been with someone else. But I guess he was special. "I'm doing quite fine myself dear, I brought something for you! I thought you may like these." He stated to you as he revealed a singular rose that he had hid behind his back. It wasn't a special rose, but the gesture itself made you blush a bit. "Thank you so much Alastor. It's very beautiful." You said to him as you carefully took the rose from him, minding the thorns, and set it inside your book acting as a book mark. "I'm glad you like it my dear! Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked, and you gestured for him to sit down with a small smile. He sat down in the chair opposite of yours, and instantly spotted your book. " 'To kill a mocking bird' " He read the title out loud. "Interesting, I didn't think you'd be into such types of books!" He stated.
"Yes, it's one of my favorites." I confirmed, with an open mouthed smile and closed eyes.

(Alastor's POV)

I looked at her as she smiled. I don't know what it was about her that made me feel so happy all the time without reason, but I really didn't mind the feeling. In fact I embraced it. I wanted to get to know her more, catch up on missed time together. See what she has become after all these years. The only thing that saddens my heart is that she hasn't a clue who I might be. I needed to change that....
I shifted my glasses higher on the bridge of my nose when I felt them slip down.  "Darling, there's this sort of gala party that my dear friend Mimzie is putting on tonight. Would you care to accompany me?" I asked her, hoping that she'd say yes. She looked down to her lap in thought. "I would love to Alastor, but I don't have the money for that sort of thing.." She said in a rather disappointed manner. "What ever do you mean dear? It's all on me." I continued trying to convince her to join me. "I don't even have anything to wear.." She continued to look sadder and sadder with ever passing word she spoke. "Darling, don't even worry. I can get that all sorted out for you!" I said in a last ditch attempt. She looked at me in silence for a few moments when a small smile started to form on her face. "You'd really do that for me?" She asked.
"Of course my dear." I said in a bit of a lower voice as my smile closed but never faltered.
"Here, come with me. I'll take you to my favorite shop and we'll pick out something nice for you to wear." I told her as I waved down the nearest waitress so I could pay for her drink.
"But I don't-" I cut her off by saying that it's completely fine, and that it was all on me. "Thank you so much Alastor.." She then said as we both got up from our seats and walked out of the coffee shop together.

(Y/n POV)

After about fifteen minutes of walking, you and Alastor had reached the shop. We walked inside and my jaw practically dropped in amazement. I wouldn't say I was well off with the income I get with my jobs, but I also wouldn't say that I was so well off that I got the chance to even think about going into a shop that sold these luxuries. The man beside you just gave your reaction a hearty chuckle as he lead you further into the shop, and helped you look through the clothing items. None of them really stood out to you, though many of them, if not all of them, were very pretty and elegant as well as pricey, you couldn't find anything you wanted to wear. You also didn't want to pick something and look at the price tag and come off as some sort of gold digger so the whole situation made you feel very anxious
After a few more minutes of walking and looking you found it. It was a beautiful wine red dress, it looked like something a model or famous actor would wear on a red carpet. 
My eye's lit up in awe and Alastor definitely noticed. "I'm going to guess by that look in your eye, you found your dress." He said as he chuckled. You just simply nodded in response and took it off the rack to check the price, but before you could find the tag he took it from you, and folded it over his left arm and simply smiled. "Hey! I want to know how much it is." I said to him as I tried to get it back from him. But he just kept the dress out of reach and said "No need to check darling! If you really like it, i'll buy it for you." He finished with a closed smile that, for some reason, made your heart flutter. "You do like it correct?" He asked you. You nodded in reply. "Then let's go to the changing rooms so you can try it on!" He finished and lead you to one end of the store and got you into a stall and waited for you outside.

 "Then let's go to the changing rooms so you can try it on!" He finished and lead you to one end of the store and got you into a stall and waited for you outside

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Once you put on the dress and looked in the mirror, you couldn't help but stare at yourself in shock. You looked beautiful! The dress fit you perfectly, almost like it was made for you.
After a few minutes of checking the dress out on yourself, you carefully took it off, and hung it back up on the hanger. You got changed back into your old clothes and walked out of the changing stall with the dress in hand, and walked over to Alastor and told him that you were ready to leave. Once everything was payed for he insisted on walking you home as well. You couldn't stop thanking him, and that he really didn't have to do all this. "My dear, it's my pleasure really. You deserve it." He said to you once you had turned onto your block. "I'll be here at around 7pm if that's alright?" He asked you, handing over the box that held your new outfit. 
"yes, that works." You said with a smile. You don't know why, but you gave him a hug. But to your surprise he didn't resist. Instead, he hugged you back and even rested his chin on top of your head. You released yourself from the embrace and waved him goodbye as you walked off towards your home, while he walked off in the other direction. 

Once you got to your front step, you got out your keys and looked up but froze. There, stuck to your door was a letter of eviction from the landlord.

"Hello Y/n,
I'm sorry to inform you that, since you haven't been able to pay us your rent for the past few months here, we have been forced to evict you from the property.
You have until March 20th to get all your things packed up and moved out.
Thank you."



Annnnnnnnnd another surprise chapter is done :3
What ever shall you do? Will you ask Alastor for help? Orrrrrrr will you be forced to move all the way back to Rose City?? or even maybe ask your evil sister for help....?
Comment what you think :3

anyways, as always
Stay tuned~ for the next chapter to find out what happens at the party! And see what Mimzie will be like...

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