Gun Powder And Sorrow Chapter Six

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TW: Mentions of murder, abuse, and swearing

(Alastor's POV) 

I was listening to my new radio that my mother had bought for my birthday this morning. It was a beautiful box, Redwood exterior, silver designs and knobs, with small gold letters, numbers, and arrows on the knob itself to indicate what channel you were currently on.
My head bobbing to the beat of some jazz music that was playing. My focus was rudely broken when I could hear my father return home, as he slammed the door shut behind him. Again tonight, like many others, he was in a bad mood already, and that never ended well. Lately, it has not just been my mother at the end of my fathers physical outbursts but me now too. 
"Amiyah!!" I heard my fathers loud voice calling for my mother from downstairs. "Did you take my fucking checks?! Come here!!" He shouted again. I could hear my mother walk down the hall and down the stairs to talk to father in a hurried pace. "Amiyah, I'm giving you one chance, to answer me correctly.. did you take the checks out of my wallet?" He questioned her with a stern voice. I got up from my desk, and poked my head out of my room, and made my way to the corner wall of the staircase to watch while making sure I wasn't spotted. "No Arthur, I didn't touch your wallet." Mother told him in a low voice while she kept her head down.
"Liar!!" He shouted in response as he raised his hand and slapped her, knocking her down to the ground. "I have had enough of you woman!"
"Arthur! It was for Alastor's birthday present!" My mothers voice could be heard in a frantic tone.
"Oh! Alastor's present? Who does he think he is? I refuse to raise a spoiled brat! I suppose I'll have to go and teach him a lesson then!" He shouted, rage evident in his voice as he spoke. I ran back up the stairs and into my room. I needed to hide. I look around my room and spotted the new radio. I hurriedly turned it off and hid it in my desk drawer. But before I could hide myself, my father barged in my room. I turned around with wide eyes. There my father stood in my doorway with clenched fists. "Where is it?!" He yelled, as you saw your mother run past towards their room. "I'm talking to you, you little brat!" He yelled once again as he stepped towards me. "I-.." I didn't want to lie to him but I also didn't want to tell him the truth, because no matter what I said, he would hurt me. "Stay away from my son, Arthur!" I heard my mother yell from behind my father. The sound of a gun cocking was heard. My fathers eyes went wide as he slowly turned around to look at my mother. "Give me that bit-" He didn't get to finish his sentence when he was trying to grab the gun from my mother, because a bullet was shot right through his brain. He stopped moving completely, and after a few seconds, fell over onto the floor, as blood pooled around his body.  

~A few hours later~

After the whole ordeal, multiple police sirens could be heard from outside the house, along with banging on the front door. "Police! Open the door!" A mans voice could be heard from the other side of the front door. My mother got up from the couch where we had been sitting in silence after she had shot my father. She opened the door and multiple officers entered the house with a few of the men went around the home. A female officer came up to me and asked if I was okay and what had happened. "Dad was going to hurt me, so she shot him.." I answered quietly. Then swiftly, they put her in handcuffs and led her out of the house and into one of the police cars and took her away. "Whats your name?" She questioned again. I told her that my name was Alastor.
"Is there anyone else that can come and get you sweetheart?" The lady asked me. I looked down to the floor as I thought of an answer. "Yes, my aunt Mary..." I responded. 
"where does your aunt live?" 
"... New Orleans" But I lived all the way in Rose City, that would mean I'd never be able to see Y/n again! "I have to go see Y/n before I leave! I'll never see her again." I said frantically.
We arrived at Y/n's house and I ran up the stairs and knocked on her front door. However, Instead of seeing my best friend, It was another, older girl. She was maybe around her mid 20's. She crossed her arms and yawned. "Who the hell are you?" She asked in a tired and annoyed voice. "I.. I'm Y/n's friend.. I have to see her." I said to her. I had tears in my eyes as she saw the police car behind me. But instead of letting me in to see her one last time, she just smirked. "Ah, sorry kid, she's asleep! I have to let my little sister sleep. She has school tomorrow." She finished and closed the door. I fell to my knees and started crying. This was it. I'll never see her again...

The next day. (Y/n's POV)

I got to school early today, like I have been doing the last week. Ever since me and Alastor became friends, we would walk to school together. But strangely, he didn't show up at my house. So I just walked by myself. "Al? Are you here?" I called out once I was at the front of the school. But I didn't get a response, but instead I got a hard push on my back, making me fall to the ground. I hit my head on a sharp rock when I fell, and I could feel blood dripping from my head. But I soon passed out while I was trying to lift myself up. 
I later woke up in a hospital. But.. for some strange reason everything was very bright and very loud. I shut my eyes, which I didn't even know were open, and screamed. My mother instantly told me that it's all okay and held my hand tight while what I could only think was a nurse or a doctor rushed into the room and checked my arm. But I could feel something sticking out of it. Like someone stuck a very small stick into my arm and moved it from left to right. 
"M-mom..?" I ask. "Why is everything so bright...?" The room went very silent once I had finished talking. "Oh my god! It's a miracle!" A male voice said from the right side of me. "When she hit her head, she must have had hit her head in the right spot. She can see!" My jaw dropped in disbelief. I couldn't believe it! "Mom! I have to see Alastor! I have to tell him!" I said with a huge smile on my face. "Oh, right. Him." My sister said. "He came to the house last night, and when I opened the door, I had to tell him that you were sleeping. But I don't think he's coming back. There was a few gunshots before he had arrived with a police car on the side of the road waiting for him." She finished talking. My heart fell and shattered. Is he okay?


I'm sorry for skipping through their childhood but I didn't really have any other ideas for this part of the book so I do apologize. However the next chapter and chapters to come will be longer (hopefully) with a lot more story and shit between characters. :3
anyways, stay tuned~ for the next chapter(s)!!

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