Chapter 1: One Night Stand

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There was a big party going on all week and John Dory was having the time of his life as he enjoyed himself to the fullest. He was singing, dancing and mingling with other trolls as the days passed by. Before he knew it, the last day of the party came and went by in a flash. He could only remember up until a certain point before he completely blacked out.

The next morning, John groaned as he sat up. A splitting headache throbbed against his skull. Not only that but his body was sore for some reason as he crawled out of the bed. He didn't get far when an overwhelming urge to vomit hit him and he had to run to the bathroom. He puked into the toilet a few times as he emptied his stomach. Once the nausea passed, he brushed his teeth to get the awful taste out of his mouth.

At that point, he was already feeling a little better so he decided to wash himself. He got in the shower under the warm water when he noticed small thin scratches that were all over his body except his face. He touched a particular sore area when he trembled and gasped as he leaned against the wall for support. Not really knowing what the sensation was that had him blushing and falling to his knees.

John quickly snapped out of it when he rushed to finish his shower and morning routine before he discovered something else about his body that he didn't care to learn. He shook the thoughts from his head as he walked out of his room and made his way to the kitchen.

"Whoa, uhh... must have been a wild party last night?" Floyd raised an eyebrow as he looked at JD while sipping on his coffee.

"I don't remember much." John spoke as he got himself some coffee, he needed it.

"You're lucky Branch and Clay stayed at their girlfriends place last night, they would have been pissed at you. Especially Branch." Floyd pointed out while finishing his cup. "You came in here stumbling around and knocking things over. I had a hell of a mess to clean up. I can't even imagine what our little bro would have said or done if he saw the stranger that you brought in with you." Floyd shivered just thinking about it.

"Uhh... well... that explains the scratches..." John looked at himself before being disappointed. "Damn, I don't even remember what she looked like, I bet she was a pretty lady." He was confident about that until he heard his brother snort.

"That definitely wasn't a woman's voice last night." Floyd cracked a smile.

"Wha-wha-whAT?!" John stammered upon hearing this information.

"Yea, congratulations big bro. You leveled up." Floyd joked much to JD's expense. Although he felt bad after once he noticed how ghostly pale the other became. "Hey, it's no big deal, it was only a one night stand. It happens sometimes." He walked over and placed an arm around his shoulders giving him a half hug. "Are you okay though? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" He asked in case the mystery troll went too far.

John shook his head, besides the scratches, he was pretty much fine. He just wished he could remember the night but maybe Floyd was right. It might not be as big of a deal as he is making it be. Still- "Did I really bring home a man?" He asked, still in slight disbelief.

"Yep, unless your lady friend just had a deeper voice." Floyd confirmed once more while nodding and letting JD go once he knew the other was alright.

"I must have been really out of it... I mean, I've had a few men hit on me before but I've never seen any interest no matter how handsome or cute they were." John rubbed his chin in wonder, not really understanding why he had a change in preference. At least for yesterday.

"Maybe something was different about last night. Who knows, you don't even remember. If I were you, I'd just accept it and move on. Maybe they're thinking the same thing?" Floyd shrugged.

John thought about it a little more before giving up and agreeing with his little brother. "Yea, you're probably right... but boy wouldn't I give anything to see what they looked like when they realized they did it with me." John said as he pursed his lips while smirking and nodding.

"And I declare this conversation over." Floyd wanted no part in it anymore so he left the eldest to his own thoughts. He didn't know where the overconfidence came from.

"What? I'm good looking, right?" John asked but received no answer as his brother walked away.


Floyd heard JD once more but ignored it as he went to his room, unaware of the mess that he was going to be involved in.


It was about a week later when John finally had enough of the morning sickness that overcame him almost everyday after that week-long party. He couldn't even stomach certain foods and had these awful and strange cravings for foods that should not be eaten together. Today was the last straw so he mustered up enough courage and went to go see the village doctor, Moonbloom.

John was sitting on the examination table as he picked at his glove when the doctor came in and asked a few questions about his symptoms. He listed them off as she nodded and wrote everything down on her clipboard. Once he was done she was silent for a long moment as she stared at the papers she had before looking at him.

"So when was the last time you were sexually active?" She asked and ran a few more tests and finished the examination.

John just looked at her with a befuddled expression. He didn't answer for a long moment before working up the nerve to tell her. "Seven days ago... Is that why I am sick? Did they give me rabies or something??" He was now becoming unwell for a different reason.

Dr. Moonbloom laughed for a moment. "I mean, they did give you something alright but it wasn't rabies."

John sighed in relief until he heard something he wasn't prepared for. "Uhh... can you repeat that?" He didn't quite catch what she said, that or he just didn't want to believe it.

"I said, 'You're pregnant.' So, who is the lucky troll?" She spoke once more.

"I... I can't be pregnant! You must be mistaken!" No, there was no way he was. He refused to believe it.

Moonbloom shook her head while she calmly took something out and handed it to him. It was a small thin white flower shaped piece of paper. She explained what he should do with it. "Go to the bathroom, relieve yourself and then toss this in. Do not flush right away."

John nodded and did as he was told when he tossed the thing into the toilet. He watched as the paper dissolved in the water before it turned a pinkish color. "Uhh, is it supposed to turn pink?" He called from inside the bathroom.

"Yes, because you're pregnant. Congratulations, it's a girl."

John Dory was in disarray as he stared at the pink water for a long time before he flushed and quickly washed his hands. He ran out and grabbed the doctor by her shoulders while looking extremely distraught. "I can't be."

"You are, I just proved it to you." Sometimes she did have patients who were stubborn.

John then fell to his hands and knees in defeat as if the words had actually stabbed him. If this was all true... then... that would mean he was the one who took it instead of the other way around. Not only that but he created a child, an actual real child with— "Holy Trolly! I have no idea who the father is!!"

"Hmm... That's not good, trolls who have a child together should really be with their partner at this delicate time since it's harder on them than a troll who is budding." Moonbloom felt a little bad for laughing earlier. Had she known what the circumstance was, she wouldn't have. "I'm sorry." She apologized as she turned and opened a filing cabinet. She pulled some papers out and handed them to him. "Take these with you and read them over carefully. There are certain foods you shouldn't eat and things you should be wary of when you're pregnant. I also..." She left the room to go grab something. "... recommend this shampoo to..." She trailed off because-

John stuffed the papers in his hair and rushed out of the doctor's pod. He needed to get back to the bunker to talk to Floyd. He might know what to do in this situation because he sure the hell had no idea.

John Dory's Hair Raising Eggventure Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang