Chapter 3: Everyone Now Knows

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Branch, Bruce, and Clay all looked at each other, not really sure how to react when John Dory came storming through as he kidnapped Floyd and ran somewhere else, further away into the bunker.

"Hmm, should we follow them?" Bruce questioned, the sleepiness; now gone; was replaced with a more concerned look.

"Meh, just let them be." Clay dismissively waved it off. He didn't want to get up or stop reading, he was at a really interesting part in the story.

"You know how he can overreact, it's probably nothing." Branch might put him on the same level as Poppy at times. The two of them together would be a disaster waiting to happen.

"You can overreact too with all your safety concerns." Bruce pointed out as he chuckled. The youngest could reach insane levels, maybe beyond that of JD and even his girlfriend.

"I have valid reasons!" Branch stated as he sharpened a pencil but one look at how sharp the point was, he tapped it lightly against his desk to make it slightly duller. He then touched it with his finger to test it out before deeming it okay to use.

"You're just proving him right." Clay spoke while flipping a page while Bruce laughed and Branch glared at them.

That's when all their attention was gathered to the entrance of the lift as it started moving again. They had a sneaking suspicion as to who it was and sure enough they were half right. It was Poppy but Viva was also with her. The two of them excitedly carried something in with them.

"Branch!!" Poppy ran over as she latched onto him. "Why didn't you tell us?!" She sat the basket on his desk which annoyed him since this was his workplace. He didn't even get to speak nor could he stay mad, not after the kiss he received. He felt a little tongue which indicated that she must have been really excited about something. He was glad the basket was in the way, blocking everyone's view and now that he thought about it, she must have done that on purpose. He was blushing mad.

"Yea, I can't believe you didn't tell me Clay! We tell each other everything!" Viva ran over to her boyfriend squealing a little and trying to contain herself.

"What did they not tell you two?" Bruce wondered and was out of the loop as he looked at his brothers.

"I don't know what they're talking about. Instead of guessing, just tell us what we didn't tell you." Branch suggested while he got up, his blush fading as he removed the basket from his desk. He grumbled about his papers being bent out of shape.

"That John Dory is pregnant!" The two girls gushed in excitement as Branch dropped the basket. Clay looked up from his book and Bruce looked confused.



There was only silence at first until looks of doubt slowly formed on the three brother's faces.

Bruce was the first to speak as he started chuckling. "Wow, is it prank day? You two had us going there."

Clay agreed while closing his book since he wasn't going to be able to finish it, his concentration was now broken.

"I don't think this is a joke you two should be making." Branch then started lecturing them on the proper adequacy of pranking someone before Poppy lightly touched his mouth to stop him.

"Branch, sweetheart, we weren't kidding." Poppy's smile was now gone along with Viva's when they realized the brothers had no idea. She then explained to them, "Dr. Moonbloom asked us to bring this basket of stuff to John. It has essential items for expecting trolls." Poppy took a shampoo bottle out and placed it in her boyfriend's hands for him to see while further proving to them that they were in fact, not joking.

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