Chapter 6: Run in with Creek

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It was the next morning, John was on the verge of waking up when he sleepily rolled over and patted the side of his bed as if looking for something. He tried his other side but still nothing. All that was there was the coolness of the sheets. He then curled the comforter around himself as he whined a little. Tears gathered in his eyes before he finally snapped them open, feeling the wetness. He sat up in bed and looked around when an empty and hollow feeling settled in his chest. A realization washed over him at what he was looking for. His partner.

"Dammit." John sighed and cursed to himself as he brushed the tears away. He knew this was coming though, thanks to the papers Moonbloom gave him yesterday. If his partner wasn't with him, some symptoms he may experience are longing or sadness. The best way to cure the feelings was to surround himself with his family and friends so he felt less alone.

John then forced himself to get up out of bed, it was no use staying there and wanting someone who wasn't going to be there. He needed to stay strong if he was to get through this. There was one good thing, at least he didn't feel sick today.

John smiled slightly and nodded his head a little before he got himself ready. However, despite the good mood he was trying to put himself into, the feelings still lingered quite strongly. He was going to need his brother's at that point.

He walked out of his room and wandered throughout the bunker when he realized it was far too early for any of them to be up yet. Even Floyd who was always the first.

John thought about going to one of their rooms but decided against it. He didn't want to wake them. That's when an idea popped into his head. "Rhonda!" He spoke happily as he made his way to the lift. His mood lifted somewhat as he thought about her.

Once he was outside he noticed it was a little dark out. No wonder his brothers weren't up yet. The sun had barely peaked above the horizon. At least it was bright enough for him to see so he could go to Rhonda but where she usually sleeps was empty. She wasn't there.

John sighed unhappily when he called for her, not too loud so he didn't disturb anyone but not so soft either. He really needed her as he followed her tracks until the armadillo popped out with a bunch of glowing bugs in her mouth. She spit them all out as she cooed and sped over to JD before pausing just in time. She nuzzled him excitedly and also carefully. Something John took note of as he hugged her gleefully. Her behavior was normally much rougher but maybe she could sense that he was—


John looked towards the angry voice that shouted but couldn't quite see who it was until the troll stepped closer.

It was Creek, as weird as a coincidence that was.

"Look what that beast has done to my poor bugs!!" Creek shook in anger as he held out a small glowing round insect with saliva covering it. "She keeps trying to eat them!!"

"Rhonda here is not a beast and she doesn't eat bugs, it's poor for her digestion. She just likes playing with them... maybe a bit too violently." John cringed as he watched the critter twitch and move its broken wing. He started to feel bad for it.

"I don't care what she is, she is hurting them!! Not only that but this time she rampaged through my zen garden and destroyed it, all because she sniffed this out!!" He showed the weird fruit that was half bitten.

"Hey, that's her favorite... ohhh..." John trailed off as realization hit him and he chuckled in nervousness.

"Branch did this, didn't he?!" Creek accused and knew the answer.

"Well, I can't say for sure but that might be a good possibility." John was 100% certain it was.

Creek threw the fruit to the ground as he growled. "I've had it! I've told him a million times about that thing-" Creek Pointed to Rhonda. "-destroying what I care about and he hasn't done a bloody thing about- AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!" He screamed as the armadillo bus chomped down on him.

John Dory's Hair Raising Eggventure Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora