Chapter 2: Telling Floyd

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John hoofed it all the way back to the bunker. Not stopping for anyone or anything, Including Poppy and Viva who tried to get his attention. If this was a normal situation he would have been delighted to talk with them but right now, this was an emergency.

"I wonder what happened?" Poppy asked in a concerned tone as she watched him get further away. He had never ignored them before and the expression on his face... she wondered if they should follow after him.

"I hope he is alright." Viva was now slightly worried but if anything was wrong, his brothers would be able to help him. He was heading in the direction of the bunker. That at least eased her mind a bit.

"Do you think we should—" Poppy was beginning to say when Dr. Moonbloom called for them and the two of them walked over to her.

"Queen Poppy, Princess Viva. Sorry to bother you, but could I ask a favor?" The doctor breathlessly asked when she received a nod from them both so she continued as she held out a basket full of items. "I wanted to give this to John Dory but he ran from me. I don't have time to be chasing him down, I'm much too busy. Could you please hand this over to him?" She pleaded.

"We can do that!" Poppy smiled enthusiastically as she took the basket and was glad she was given a reason to go check on the older troll, though she was going to anyway. Also, she got to help out Moonbloom since she tirelessly worked for their village.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for bothering you." The doctor was relieved. "Okay, I need to head back now. I'll see you two later." She waved them off as she rushed back to her office pod.

They both happily waved when something caught Viva's attention as she glanced at the items in the basket. She reached in and pulled out a shampoo bottle with the title 'Eggcellent Shampoo, Perfect for Expecting Parents'.

The two of them shared a blank look before going through the rest of the items. They all had similar cheesy names whilst sharing something in common, all these items were for someone who was pregnant.

"N-no way...." The two of them said at the same time while a smile started to show on their face and before they both screamed at the top of their lungs.


Branch's ear twitched a little when he looked up from the blueprints he was working on and shared a look with Clay who was reading before they shrugged it off and got back to what they were doing.

"Did you guys hear that?" Floyd asked as he moved, a magazine that was resting on his face had fallen before he caught it with one hand. He was just taking a nap on the couch when he heard something.

"I didn't hear anything." Bruce drowsily snapped awake. He was napping next to his younger brother when he woke up upon hearing him. He was visiting for a week or so and they had nothing planned today so they all were just piled in the living area just relaxing and doing whatever.

"Must have been your imagination." Clay answered as he yawned, now feeling the full effects of doing nothing for the day.

"I heard it too but I don't know what it could have been." Branch yawned as well while he tapped the end of his pencil against the desk. He rested his head in his hand while feeling a little sleepy. Their current conversation was too boring, he needed to talk about something else before he fell asleep. Bruce was heading back in that direction.

"Where did John Dory go today? He's been gone for a while." Clay asked while looking at Floyd who shrugged which annoyed him because he knew the other knew where he went.

Branch also had a suspicion his brother did know. He was about to call him out when they all heard the lift as it descended.

Once it reached the bottom, John came rushing in and snatched Floyd up as he quickly left the room before anyone could say anything or even react. Thank troll Floyd was the lightest of all the brothers because John was sure his back would give out.

"Put me down!" Floyd protested in anger as he fought against his brother's crushing hug until they reached a room and he was let go. He then watched John slam the door shut before turning around with his mouth open and arms moving around as if he wanted or needed to say something but couldn't find the words to speak.

Floyd waited due to his brother's distress but started getting slightly annoyed that he wasn't saying anything. "Will you spit it out already??" He asked as John started pacing until he slapped his own cheeks before getting close and grabbing the younger by the arms, shook him a bit violently until he got close enough to whisper in his ear so quietly that he thought he almost didn't hear until the other said it just a tiny bit louder that—

"I'm pregnant..."

Floyd deadpanned and just stared at John Dory for what seemed like hours but in reality it had been just a few seconds. When he was finally let go he grabbed JD's arms in a vice grip while trying to find out if the other was making some kind of joke like he always did but found no such thing.

"Holy Trolly... you're really not kidding this time...!!" Floyd spoke as the two words bounced around in his head while he watched his brother become more nervous.

"Wha-what do I do?" John squeaked out.

"Did you not THINK to use protection??" Floyd questioned when he remembered what his brother told him about that night. "AGH! You!!" He shook him a little.

"How the hell am I supposed to use any?? I didn't even think I was the one taking it nor did I think I'd be pregnant!" John argued back as he pointed at himself and his ears lowered a bit in disappointment.

"That's what happens when you have unprotected sex!" Floyd snapped a little as he let the other go before slapping his own forehead in an attempt to gather his thoughts. "Okay, okay... Let's just calm down." Mostly because he didn't want the rest of his brothers to hear their conversation at the moment. They were being kinda loud though, he prayed they weren't eavesdropping. He dismissed the thoughts to get back on track. John was in one hell of a predicament. That's when the realization hit him as he sucked in air.

"YOU!!" Floyd grabbed him once more.

"Yes, me!!" John shouted nervously.


"Thank you for joining my current dilemma!!" John yelled back.

Floyd scrunched his face and glared a little before letting out a long exaggerated sigh as he again attempted to calm down from the shock he received while groaning. "John Dory, what in the world are you going to do?"

"I... I don't know..." For Once in John's life, he didn't have a clue. He was completely lost and blank at the moment. He only thought so far ahead, Floyd being the only brother he was willing to tell at the moment. He couldn't even begin to think about mentioning this to his other brothers.

Floyd huffed a little while rubbing at his temples. He was going to get a wicked headache later as one already started to form. He looked to the eldest and saw just how anxious he was when he grabbed him again and tightly pulled him into a hug. "As insane as this situation gets, it's going to be okay." Sure, they didn't know who the father was but maybe that wasn't as important right now. His brother needed some support.

John didn't know he needed a hug so badly as this one. Usually his brothers were so stingy with them. He happily sighed as he hugged Floyd back when he felt tears gather in his eyes and spill over. Something he never let happen, at least not in front of his brothers but here he was. He squeezed his eyes shut to try and stop the tears but they just kept flowing.

Floyd heard sniveling and felt his brother tremble, not expecting the other to cry. It only sunk in that much more. He patted and reassured him when John hugged him far too tight and he was pretty sure he heard-


Floyd was certainly dead. Well, he wished he were.

John sniffled and somewhat let go once he felt the other had gone slack in his arms. Not only that but he was completely pale and seemed-

"FLOYD!! NO!!"

What a back breaking experience.

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