Chapter 4: Finding Clues

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Everyone was running around trying to help the eldest out when Viva and Poppy eventually returned looking a little worried about the whole situation because-

"I don't really know who was all there on the last day so I have a list of all the male trolls that I invited to the party but uhh..." She dropped the list and it was long, very very long. "I'm so sorry, I did manage to section them all off by each troll village so starting with ours, we can cross them off as we go but..." There was a nagging question at the back of her mind.

"How are we going to know who the father is?" Viva questioned because even if they went through the list, there was no real way to tell. What if they end up crossing the right troll off.

Bruce and John Dory looked at the impossibly long list of trolls. There was no way they were going to be able to get through every one of them and guess who the father was because the sisters were right, they wouldn't know.

"There must be a way we can shorten the list." Branch came in at this point when he picked up the other end of the long paper to look at it. He then looked to his problem brother. "That morning, was there anything out of the ordinary? Maybe the troll left behind a hair or something?"

"Oh!" John remembered that he... "Uhh..." Now he didn't want to say anything.

"Spit it out already." Branch demanded. He wasn't going to play his brother's games.

"I pulled the sheets off the bed but I haven't cleaned them yet." John awkwardly chuckled while shrugging.

"Well, by being gross you have inadvertently saved us some time. Go see if you can find anything in the sheets. Look for clues in the room as well." Branch was a bit disgusted as he turned to go back to his room to bring the clue Board out. Bruce, Poppy and Viva were impressed by what he managed to piece together. It was mostly just information of what they already knew but it was definitely going to be helpful in the long run.

John in the meantime went back to his room, he shut the door as he walked over to the sheets he had tossed in the corner and unraveled them. He blushed darkly at all the stains that were probably mostly made by him as embarrassing as that thought was. He did have to wonder how good it was that he allowed such a thing to happen. Getting plowed from behind wasn't exactly on his agenda but here he was, facing the consequences of what happened that night.

John got back on track and was looking for something, anything at this point but couldn't find a hair anywhere in the sheets. He got frustrated when he balled the blankets back up and placed them back where they were before searching around the room. He looked in his bed, underneath, and all around but found nothing throughout the room. He sighed in defeat as he backed up, not realizing he was so close to the wall when something fell and startled him. He looked at the small broom when he picked it up and examined the bristles, not because he was looking for hairs, but because it reminded of something...

"Hmm..." John ran his finger over the stiff bristles as a short memory flashed through his mind and he dropped the thing in his hands. He was panting in pleasure, maybe even a little pain while fingers slowly opened him from behind. There was something else that stood out to him, it was the slight brush of a beard or maybe even a mustache against the back of his neck from the stranger. He was in absolute bliss.

The eldest had to sit down after that, his head feeling a little light as he made his way over to the bed. He pulled his goggles over his face in an attempt to hide the darkening blush that pooled in his cheeks. He also tried to squeeze his legs together to stop his growing problem between his thighs as he thought of something else to calm himself. However, his thoughts kept wandering back to the fingers that probed his backside. Something he probably was never going to forget now.

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