Chapter 9: Names

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It was a few days later, they had already begun to cross a few pop trolls off thanks to Poppy who went around and questioned the few that she could while John was able to relax at home. However, he was getting bored and needed a change of pace when he thought of Creek. The troll in question didn't seem all that bad, he wondered what it would be like if he really was the father and got him pregnant. He did say he would work something out with him but he also wasn't sure if he just said it in the moment because of Branch or he was actually serious.

John laid in bed as he thought about it until his mind started to drift and eventually he got to a point where he pictured the troll fingering him. "Hmm..." He thought long and hard about it but he wasn't sure he was into it before quickly dismissing the lewd images and looping back to his previous notion.

That's when he finally had enough and jumped out of bed. Right now it was almost noon so the troll should be around somewhere, he wanted to find him and get to know him more. So, he came out of his room after getting ready and was about to leave when he heard tapping and he turned around to see Branch staring at him.

"Where are you going?" The youngest asked.

"Branch, I am not a child. I'm just going to find someone to hang out with." John was being half truthful so it was easier to lie.

"Fine." Branch couldn't argue with that. They were being overbearing and he really wasn't all that worried since Creek was out of the picture. "Sorry, I'm just..." Branch looked away when all of a sudden he felt his brother hug him which he quickly and seamlessly covered a blueprint up before his brother saw.

"It's okay, I know you and the rest of our brothers are worried but everything is going to be fine." John smiled when he felt the youngest hug him back. Once they parted he ruffled Branch's hair and rushed to leave before the other had time to react.

Branch growled as he fixed his hair and he called from where he was at, "Just be careful!" He heard JD say, "I will!" From the lift. He then went back to work on the thing he was building and uncovered the blueprint. It was for his brother, more specifically the baby. He was planning on building a crib. He wanted to add more stuff to it but Poppy wouldn't let him and forced him to keep it simple and so he did. He hummed a small tune as he worked.


John was hiding in the bushes as he looked around to make sure no one saw him when he came out and made his way over to Creek's place. He kinda hoped the troll was home as he got closer. Sure enough, it was his lucky day because the troll was in his garden in some kind of meditative state while a small bug happily slept in his lap.

John smiled a little when he very quietly walked through the open gate. He tiptoed over before sitting down in front of the troll. Now, he wasn't expecting to get THIS far but maybe the other was seriously concentrating. Although, his face was completely relaxed and seemed kinda peaceful as he stared. He almost felt bad, key word being almost.

John had many ideas to snap the other out of it. He first tried making many faces to get the troll to look, the last being a kissy face when he noticed a tiny leaf stuck in the troll's hair. He was going to leave it but it was bothering him so he reached up to grab it, he almost had the thing when he felt a hand grab his wrist to stop him.

"What are you doing?" Creek asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew the other had been there.

"There is a leaf stuck in your hair." John gave him an innocent look.

Creek then let go when the other pinched the thing and removed it.

"See?" John twirled it by the stem as he received a roll of the eyes, accompanied by a small smile.

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