Chapter 11: Caught

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John had been visiting Creek just about every other day for the next week. He was just about to leave the bunker when his brother stopped him. It was Branch again.

"I'm not really sure where you've been going lately but don't forget the Kismet will be here today but if you don't feel comfortable asking Ablaze, I can do it for you. You've been kind of off and you look tired." Branch wasn't sure he should even let him leave now that he thought about it.

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll come back later. See you!" John rushed out of their home when Branch grumbled to himself in annoyance.

"He's been doing that a lot lately. It's starting to get on my nerves." Clay spoke as he laid back on the couch while holding a book up to read. "Should we follow him next time?"


Branch and Clay strangely looked at Floyd when the other had yelled.

"We... we should let him be, I just don't feel comfortable spying on our brother like that. I mean, would you want to be followed?" Floyd questioned and hoped that his brother's didn't find him suspicious after that outburst. He just couldn't let them, it would definitely end in disaster.

"No... I guess I wouldn't want that... Maybe we can wait it out a little longer to see if this passes." Branch didn't want to overstep and it looked like Clay sided with them after some consideration. They were going to wait and see what happens. Hopefully wherever JD went, he was safe.


John excitedly arrived at Creek's place but he wasn't outside this time so he ended up knocking on the door. He received no answer even after trying a few times. Much to his disappointment, the troll wasn't home. This really put a damper in his mood until his ears twitched from hearing the voice of who he wanted to see.

"Sorry, I had to run somewhere and I was on my way back when I kept being stopped by everyone." Creek breathed heavily as he crossed the gate. He was rushing to get back and was so glad he didn't miss JD. To be fair, he had no idea when the troll was going to show up but knew it was always around noonish.

John was just incredibly relieved as he smiled. He wanted to hug Creek so badly at that moment but decided against his better judgment. He didn't need or want his heart beating out of his chest every time he was near the troll, let alone hug the guy. He was sure to have heart failure if it was racing like that every time. So he was thankful when nothing really happened after that day Creek had apologized.

"Here, come inside. I made something." Creek eagerly opened the door to his pod as he stepped in. He closed it as soon as John came through. He then grabbed another basket off the table and handed it to him. "Those are for Rhonda. I made them with her favorite fruit. I actually went to the library and had to figure out what species she was so I didn't feed her anything she wasn't supposed to have. It took me a while."

It was now that John's heart started racing as he uncovered the cloth to reveal a couple of large pieces of what looked like bread but he knew it wasn't. "She'll love these." He was floored that Creek had thought of his other child. She was going to be so happy. He was.

"I tried to make them as big as possible since she is quite a large animal. I also felt bad that day and wanted to apologize to her in some way. I said a couple of mean things about her. No wonder she simi-ate me." Creek hummed a small laugh as he stared at JD who once again had that faraway expression while looking to the side. He also took notice of the prominent blush that spread across the other's face and to the tip of his ears. He thought he was seeing things when he first saw it but... now that it's happening again...

John kept glancing at Creek when he saw how carefully the other stepped closer to him before gently placing a hand against the side of his face which he leaned into a little.

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