Chapter 7: Namaste

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John had to admit that he liked working in the Garden, it was relaxing, especially the running water in the background after they had fixed the fountain. He felt like he could get a good night's rest here but quickly dismissed those thoughts since Creek would probably never let him come back after they were done. He might miss it a little. Honestly, it made him kinda sad after he put in so much hard labor to help fix it. He whined a little when he heard-

"Agh!" Creek accidentally slipped up and cut the whole flower at the stem before glaring at the other troll. "Stop, don't make those noises."

John just lightly covered his own mouth. "Oops, sorry." He smiled behind his hand.

Creek made an irritated sound before getting up. "I think that's enough." They were pretty much done at that point, they were just fixing up the last of the flowers which he could do later. He was tired anyways and from the looks of it, so was John, maybe even more so than he was.

"Finally!!" John cheered as he breathed a sigh of relief. He was exhausted and sweaty after all that hard work. He ended up wiping his face when he heard a snicker come out of the purple troll. He wondered what was so funny before a wet towel was thrown at his head.

"You better clean yourself up before you go back, you've got dirt all over your face." Creek announced as he cleaned his own hands with some damp cloth of his own.

"Thanks." John spoke behind the towel as he smiled. He then pressed his hands against his face and started cleaning himself. He thought he was done and removed the towel but the other troll just laughed once more.

"Here, let me help you." Creek smirked as he grabbed the towel and gently held the side of John's face. He started to wipe the smeared mud from the other when he noticed how careful he himself was being. He didn't know why but a feeling he got told him to. He honestly shouldn't even be this close because if Br—


Creek froze in place as his hair stood on end while looking into the crazy eyes of the troll he was just about to mention.

Branch stormed over when John quickly got up to stop his younger brother from entering the garden. "Now hold on Branch. Let's just calm down."

"Calm down?! We've been looking for you for hours and what do I find??" Branch didn't leave any room for an answer before he continued. "Creek trying to smother you with a towel! Not only that but it looks like you've put up quite a fight, I hope you got some good hits on him cause Imma stuff that rag down his throat!" He balled his fists and was ready to do the deed except he wasn't getting anywhere and was running in place while JD held onto his vest.

"He didn't do anything, I was helping him fix his garden after Rhonda destroyed it because a certain someone decided to plant her favorite fruit there." John sarcastically rushed out.

"Yea, well he deserves it!!" Branch growled.

"I have you know, I was being a good host while your brother helped me." Creek didn't understand where the hatred was coming from. The other was usually not THIS nasty.

"A host? More like a parasite!! I swear to the holy troll, if you planted your seed I'll sow your body parts 1000 feet under the ground where you'd never see the light of day again!!" Branch shouted.

Creek didn't know whether to feel offended or confused, perhaps both? He only glanced at the plants around him since- "I already planted my seed, I make sure to plow, soak, and fertilize them really well so they stay healthy and fit."

Branch lost all his color and turned a ghostly white before fainting.

"Hmm, I would have phrased that differently but what works, works I guess." John shrugged it off as he tried to pick his brother up but decided against it since he was much too tired.

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