Just a game

16 4 1

Pov: Raffaello

I woke up at 6 and half an hour later I was already on my way to the beach. I wanted to make an early start and take advantage of the weekend as the weather forecast had predicted It was going to be really sunny and there wasn't going to be a single cloud in sight.

I lived in the neighborhood nearest the beach, luckily enough for Charlie and me. You see, we are Spanish. Our parents died in a car crash when we were just kids and we spent about a year under the government's custody waiting for someone to adopt us. Finally, when Charlie, who is my older sister, turned 8, some couple from the USA adopted us. Although we had to say goodbye to all our friends I have never regretted moving here. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. They turned out to be a cute young couple who owned a multinational pizza brand - which left them quite a lot of free time as they had workers who kept the restaurants going. I love them. Our mom is called Naomi and our dad is called Rudolph.

I got to the beach and headed towards the surf shack we had rented. I took out my key and unlocked the door, I took out my blue board. it was a present from my grandpa who was a surfboard crafter- it runs in the family he gave me when I turned five.

Yesterday I had met lots of new people at camp. Most of them had surfed before, although a few didn't even know how to get on the board. However, that was what our campus was for, to teach people the basics and maybe even get them into surfing. Among them was a girl, I think her name was Grace, who despite the lack of knowledge got the hang of it really quick and in no time was riding big waves. She had true potential. Another of the newcomers was Milo, who told some really good jokes but couldn't take anything seriously. Oh man, did I laugh with him.

The person who struck me the most was Audrey. She made me get this feeling of dejá vu. I have to admit she was a bit naive for a girl her age, but she had the talent to charm people. After one day, every single guy at surf camp was drooling over her except for Chris, my best friend, and me. She was pretty, but I wasn't interested in her. During a skiing competition, a year ago, I had met a really nice girl called Alicia who competed against my sister. She immediately caught my eye and I asked her on a date. Just a few weeks later we were already a couple. I visited her whenever I had time and she did the same. But having to maintain a long-distance relationship was complicated so we eventually called it quits. The point is, after that disastrous relationship I didn't want the episode repeating so I've been focusing on improving my surf so I can get a scholarship next year. However, I did flirt a bit with Audrey, but just for fun and I suspected she also did. It may seem weird but it was more a friendly flirt than a lovey-dovey-flirt.

Time had flown by and before I knew it it was already lunch.

I got out of the water and headed towards the spot where I had left my things. Just as I sat down on the dry sand, I spotted familiar faces among the crowded beach. It was Chris, his girlfriend (Lenna), and Charlie, who was also Lenna's best friend since they were in diapers.

I called their names out. I must have shouted really loud as everyone around me turned to me, visibly startled. I heard my friends laugh and they waved at me. I called them over and within just two minutes they were here with me.

"What's up, man?" Chris and I patted each other on the back.

"Hi Rafa" Lenna smiled at me.

"I didn't know you were going to be here Rafa." My sister said. "You should have told me, I thought you had gone for a walk when I woke up"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"So, who's hungry?" Chris began.

"You sure are" Lenna said trying to keep herself from laughing. " But don't worry. I think Charlie packed some sandwiches." She turned to me. "Now that I come to think about it, I think she might even have one for you"

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