Unveiling the truth

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Pov Chiara:

I was sure Brian and David were dating. From the first time I saw them together this year, I noticed it. The way they looked at each other, their easy smiles, all the flirting...long story short, you had to be blind not to see their chemistry. I was kind of hurt, though I still was happy for them; they made a really good couple, but I still liked David and wanted to date him. They say love is being able to let go but I thought it might just be the opposite.

When the bell rang and the last class finished, I went back to reality. I wondered if I should ask them to come over to my house this afternoon to hang out because if I saw them together, just maybe, I would stop having a crush on David. If not, at least I would get to catch up with him after so many years without talking to each other.

Once I'd gathered all my books I got out of class and strode through the corridors searching for David and Brian. It took me some time to find them, as they were in a different grade and their timetables were not the same as mine. I caught them just as they were heading towards the exit mingled with the other thousands of students who were desperate to get back home.

"Emmm, I don't know Chiara" David was looking at Brian.

Maybe they wanted to do something together. I'm stupid, I shouldn't have asked that.

"Well, I think we could, but we will have to go at 5" Brian said.

"OK, see you at four, don't be late!" I smiled and waved them goodbye until they were out of my sight and I joined my other friends. Except for Olivia, tall ginger with lots of freckles, they didn't really notice me as they were busy discussing which Hunger Games film was the best. It's obviously number one, though the prequel is amazing.

Shit! I had forgotten today I had to take the bus home so I started running as fast as I could before it set off. I arrived just in time. Quickly I sat in the back of the bus and put my headphones on, Style by Taylor Swift was playing. I started thinking about David. He was such a positive person, with a beautiful smile and a great sense of humor. For a moment I felt a bit regretful. I should just let them stay together and not make them break up, right? I mean, I think they are happy together, aren't they? But if they didn't want the topic to come up maybe it was because they weren't comfortable with it or because they were not sure about their sexuality or they don't think their relationship is going to last and they don't want to risk their image and popularity for a teenage experiment. I honestly don't think David is gay. I think I know him well enough that he would not keep it for himself and he wouldn't be afraid to say it. What's more likely is that he's experimenting for a few days with Brian and then he will leave him. Yeah, right. So I really wouldn't be a bad person if I accelerated the process and made David be with someone who deserved him and who better than me.

That day I was eating alone because my dad was away on a business trip and my mom was still working. As soon as I got home I fixed myself some lunch: I boiled some pasta and ate it with chicken from the day before. Simple but decent. At least I didn't have a French omelette again, because the week before I had had one every single day. I was so sick of having them that for some time I couldn't bring myself to eat eggs. Anyways, once I more or less washed the dishes I hurried upstairs to tidy up my room. I had a lot of work ahead of me so I started picking up my clothes off the floor and put them in the washing machine. After that I vacuumed the floor, made my bed and tidied up my desk. I finished just in time because just as I was leaving some snacks in my room the bell rang! Phew! I was sweating as if I had just played a basketball match and not cleaned my room. I ran to open the door where Brian and David stood with a polite smile on their faces.
"Hi! Come into my room!" I hurried them inside. "Just leave your shoes by the stairs. Yeah, right there".

We gathered around in a small circle in the middle of my room.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I dunno. Do you have any board games? Maybe we could play Monopoly?" Brian suggested.

Though I was kind of upset for his relationship with David I had to admit that was a good idea so I disappeared for a moment and came back again with a huge pile of board games in my hands.

"So, where do we start?"

"Monopoly!!" David yelled a little bit too loud which made me laugh. He was so cute.

We spent the next 40 minutes playing board games. Brian was terrible at them but I won every single game, except for one about I really don't remember what, but the thing is David won that one. His victory dance was the cutest thing ever.

"Do you want me to make some sandwiches?" I asked.

"Yes please. I'm a bit hungry" David replied smiling at Brian.

"You're always hungry" Brian added exchanging a grin.

I got on my feet and went to fetch some bread and jam. Maybe peanut butter would be a nice option as well.

"OK this thing had to stop, I'd waited long enough", I thought.

When I came back with the sandwiches I started to talk.

"Oh.. so you two are dating now" I said with a relaxed voice, as if I wasn't trying to make them break up.

"Are you guys gay, bi...?For how long have you been dating? Why are you trying to hide it? Well, of course, I'm a bit stupid. mean, who wouldn't try to hide it, I definitely would!" After I said all that I let out a small laugh. Apparently I was the only one laughing: David and Brian were speechless. Yupp, I think I nailed it.

"I think I have to go now. Bye" Brian let go. He ran out of my room and soon after David did the same. He stood up and headed towards the door, not even caring to say goodbye. I ran after him but it was too late. A few seconds later I heard the door closing.

I felt a little bad for David, I mean he just broke up with his "boyfriend", but I was going to be sure to be the one he came to after. The first step to get him to love me is to apologize and all that shit. I'll tell him I'm really sorry, that I was not sensible enough, blah blah blah... But just so he doesn't think about making up with Brian again I'll tell him that him not bothering to make sure he is OK shows he's just not a good friend. Of course, after this incident they won't talk to each other for a few weeks and in that time I'll have already made get Brian out of David' mind. Brilliant.

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