Chapter 13: The Fire

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I guess this is the right time to write this part. I've been thinking about this even before I started the story!
Dedicated to LeeJaeHee0923 because she cries so easily XDDD
*earns glare*
.........and because she's one of my bestfriends...

Vote and comment please! If you 'donut' want to comment, the least you could do is to vote :3

Normal P.O.V

(Fnd/n) came back from the toilet after a long while.

As she sat down back on the metal chair of the café, you asked, "What took you so long?" As you placed the empty cup of (flavour) ice cream on the table.

(Fnd/n) just shrugged.

You sighed, waiting for the waiter to clean up the mess before you leave. After a few minutes of silence, the waiter finally came and cleaned it up, and you gave a tip because you're kind like that. (Fnd/n) tugged you out of the shop.

"Come on! Let's see what dress are we gonna wear for the dance!" She excitedly said, pulling you to the nearest dress store. You shook her hand off of your arm as her grip was too tight.

"(Fnd/n), the dance is 2 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days away," you said, rolling your eyes. Another reason that you didn't wanna pick out a dress is that you hated shopping. You'd rather go shopping for books instead.

"So? What's wrong with preparing?" She forced you to go inside despite your complaints, pushing you through the glass door.

"Do you even have enough money?" You asked, trying to corner her.

(Fnd/n) took out a 500 dollar bill from her pocket, grinning mockingly at you. Sighing, you said, "Fine, fine..."

She looked around the store with squinted eyes for a dress that looked nice enough. (Fnd/n) ran to a turquoise dress with big ruffles at the bottom.

"Doesn't this look nice?" She asked you, taking the dress off the rack, placing it near her body. You placed a finger over your lips. Maybe shopping for dresses couldn't hurt right? At least it could help you get your mind away from the fight.

With that on your mind, your inner fashionista took over.

"The ruffles are too big for you. And you're too tall for that," you commented and looked around the shop for another dress. You spotted a long and beautiful red dress and handed it to (Fnd/n), who was placing the first dress back on the rack.

"Here," you pushed the dress into her hands, your eyes scanning the whole store for another one, in case (Fnd/n) didn't like that.

She scanned the garment you handed her, smiling. "This looks perfect! I'm going to try it on," She said, running to the fitting room. You waited outside, checking out the closest dress while she changed. It had many fake gems that shone so bright it hurt your eyes.

After a few minutes, the door opened, revealing (Fnd/n) with the red dress, smiling widely. "So, what do you think?" She asked, doing a small twirl.

You let out a small gasp, your lips wearing a proud grin. "You look...awesome!" You said.

(Fnd/n) laughed then changed back to her normal clothes, the dress held safely under her arm.

"Now let's check out a dress for you!" She happily said, tugging you away.

"What? I thought you were going to buy one," you protested, eyes widening. But a small part of you wanted to try some out.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "(Y/n), you're my best friend! I have to do something nice once in a while," She said, taking some random dresses and throwing them at you. You stood there, dumbstruck, while she pushed you back to the fitting room.

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