Chapter 3: A Strange Friend Part 3

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Now looking around Mostima found herself in the center of the city which was crowded with all types of people, normal citizens, businessmen, tourists, and LGD guards all from different races throughout all of Terra.

"No matter how many times I visit this place it never it never ceases to impress me, Lungmen, what a beautiful city it is, truly one of the best places to get some rest in it, that is only if you  have money, of course"

The skyscrapers and all of these luxury buildings made it look like a haven compared to the hell called Terra, but it was all a lie. One big fat lie just to hide the painful truth, and all it took to expose the pitiful lie, one had to just take a look at the other side of the city, the slums. The place where the infected lives and dies, not to forget all the mafia and criminal activities in the underworld of the city, that place was one hell of a mess yet they somehow managed to still hide it, after all, the only way to know about the slums is to come and see it yourself, something most people will rather not do at all ...

Remembering the fact that Lungmen was just as messed up as most of the other cities in this cursed world, just in its way, made Mostima laugh a little, however, she still liked the city for the fact that she had quite the memories in it.

" Oh that place looks interesting!" looking around she managed to find a dessert store just around the corner of a side road " They seem to have quite a lot of customers, I should go and check it."

The store was named 'Sweet Tooth Treats' and from a closer look, it looked like it was a newly opened store with a lot of customers, most of whom were couples. While Mostima was trying to see the menu she could feel a lot of eyes staring at her, some were curious about her bizarre appearance, some were disgusted and others were scared because even in such a big city seeing a fallen angel is very rare, still, Mostima didn't care.

She was all used to it, so after giving the menu a long and hard look she stood in front of the cashier in asked for two large lovey-dovey cups and double lovers cupcakes.

 "Two large lovey-dovey cups and double lovers cupcakes, is that all customers?" Although the cashier was quite surprised by Mostima's horns she stayed professional.

" Yup, that's all " Mostima answered with her usual smile on her face "Then that will be about 29 LMD "

" Here it is "Paying the cost Mostima took what she bought and stayed at a table completely looking out of place due to how she was the only person in the store staying alone.

" Should I start eating or should I wait for him to come... but I don't know if he will come in time, so I think it will be better to taste the thing that lovers eat this day, not like I will need it any time soon."

Taking the first sip Mostima was completely stunned by how good it was ' It is so good! when did Langman have good things like this?! this is going to be my favorite drink, ahh... so good, why is it that only couples can buy stuff like this? this world is not fair at all... this should be a good replacement for my pitiful breakfast'

Now enjoying her food Mostima's mind once again started Drowning in the past trying to remember her second meeting with the Watcher, however, a Scene from one of the TVs in the store took her full attention with its time-full red color and a reporter talking. What caught her attention was what was written on the lower part of the TV, ' The LGD have found the fourteenth victim of the mysterious eys eater serial killer.'

The reporter was in front of the crime scene, a place that was not far away from where Mostima was now, and behind him were some LGD guards securing the site and medics moving covered bodies that counted to four to the ambulance.

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