Chapter 9: The First In An Army Part 3

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Although he promised to bring her back to life. He was not certain if it was achievable. Nonetheless, he will try his best. Breaking promises was something he despised, therefore, failure was not an option.

The Watcher looked at the women sleeping between his hands. Just a few moments after Galena agreed to join him, she lost consciousness. It was understandable, after what she saw, his face and all. 

Her face seemed young, younger than he expected. Just how old was she?  Her black and long hair covered her shoulders with its length. Her body was light and slim, probably due to her not eating well enough. She also had feathers on her head resembling that of a raven, hinting that she was a Liberi. 

He moved his eyes more, trying to find more information about her but stopped when the same view flashed in front of him. He is carrying and observing her. The only difference was that she was dead. Her body was rotten and disfigured to the point it was hard to recognize her.

What was worse is that was reality, while what he was holding in his hands now was nothing but a lost soul that couldn't find its way to the other side. Remembering that made him stop wasting time and put her body on the ground. For every second he stayed in this void, he lost some of his power and with it his sanity. 

Looking at his hands shaking he could feel it. He did not have a lot of time. He needed to act fast.

The Watcher pointed his staff at the sleeping Liberi and chanted something quietly, and suddenly, countless hands came out of the floor and held the body tightly. The cabin they were in began to dissipate and the darkness of the void started leaking back.

He continued chanting louder and as if it was a response to his chants, the hands moved Galena's body closer to him and raised her in the air. He then moved his hand to the air where a small amount of black mist appeared. After, moving it a bit, he pulled a small dragger that had unique hand cravings on it that resembled an old and forgotten language from the deserts of Sargon itself. 

It was a gift he received from someone, but he couldn't remember who it was. What he knows, however, is that this dragger was one of the few things that can make him bleed. And that was what he needed now.

In order to revive Galena he needed to do a few things. The first was making a connection with her soul, and the second was getting that soul to go through the process willingly, otherwise, she would just turn into a mindless monster as Silent said. And the third, and the last one was the hardest. The Watcher needed to inject some of his black mist into her soul and body to act as a middle-man between them, similar to how the lantern was doing, but much, much stronger. 

It was strong enough to make the soul stay and live in the body even after it died. The hard part in this was injecting the mist. For it to function the way it's intended to, the mist must be turned into a liquid form so that it can be injected effectively. But how can he do that? Well... 

With the dragger, The Watcher slashed his wrist and put his hand above Galena's face. Quickly, droplets of thick inky dark liquid started dropping from his wrist. Even though he had slashed a supposedly vital area of a normal body. The bleeding he had seemed more like normal sweating with how few drops of blood were coming out. It was so little, that he had to squeeze on his hand to a little more out.

The blood that dropped fell down on the Liberi's face. Drop by drop, a pattern started to appear. From her forehead to her cheeks, the inky blood snaked it's through her flesh. Forming through its way dark symbols pulsating with an otherworldly that seemed to seep from the very depths of the abyss. It continued flowing on the edge of her skin, trying to find a way inside her body.

These were more than normal drops of blood, they seemed alive. Their movement was not random just taking the easiest way, instead, it moved in what looked like calculated moves. New marks and patterns began to appear on her arms, legs and anywhere else The Watcher's blood had managed to reach.

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