Chapter 6: Late Date Part 3

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With the Moon finally replacing the sun, the night began. Inside a small and almost empty cafe in the inner part of the city of Langman, a fallen angel who was the only customer, could be seen sipping a cup of hot chocolate milk with a croissant in front of her while watching the rain fall through the glass. Truly a calm and beautiful scene for anyone lucky enough to see it, for now, it was only John and Ena, other than her.

"So, what do you think hm? Not bad right?" Ena asked Mostima while sipping her cup of coffee. "Yes, it is indeed a lovely place, especially on such a stormy day... Also, this is one hell of chocolate milk I must say!" She was not lying, the drink was a perfect one, 'maybe because of the weather' She thought.

" Hehe, glad you liked it, but you missed out on one of the best coffees in the whole of Langman" When they came here Ena immediately recommended Mostima to try her coffee, however, the latter refused and insisted on having chocolate milk " Really, it's such shame" Ena added with disappointment in her voice. 

"I want to try it but unfortunately, I've already had my portion of coffee for today" Mostima looked at Ena with her usual smile then added, " How about I come another day to try it hm...?"

"Why not? You are always welcome here Mostima. Just remember that the next time you come you will have to pay." 

"Of course. I am sure that whatever I'll get from here will be worth the price." As the two women continued their talk, John who had been watching them from the sideline from the beginning felt that he was being left out, so he decided to join them in their chat, however, the sound of a bell ringing and the door of the cafe being open had bought the attention of all the three of them.

It was only one person, a man who was completely covered from head to toe with black clothes, with only his face being covered by a strange and unsettling wooden mask, With how much black he was wearing one would think he was in mourning.

He had in his right hand a similar colored umbrella that was soaking wet, clearly from walking under the rain for some time. He closed it after entering., and walked towards Mostima until he faced her. John tried to welcome him but was ignored. 

Silence fell on the place when Mostima and the new guest made eye contact and tension quickly followed after. An emotionless one replaced the usual smile the falling angel had on her face, while her blue eyes shined from what appeared to be...happiness?

Her feelings were hard to read, and her face displayed conflicted emotions. As for the man, he just stood there, perhaps waiting for Mostima to say something. So were John and Ema who did not know what to do other than also waiting.

"Should we do something? They seem to know each other" Ema whispered in John's ear.

"I don't know. Maybe we should keep out of this, Mostima was waiting for a friend maybe it was him?" John whispered back.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait for long. After some intense staring, Mostima was the first to crack and start laughing quickly followed by the man. 

"You are late, Watcher! What took you so long took you so long? I was thinking about going back" Said Mostima who was still laughing.

'The Watcher' The same Elderish creature  Mostima met a year ago in the Barren Lands of Ursus.

He scanned his surroundings for a couple of seconds before focusing his attention on Mostima and said in a deep and husky tone "I know. I saw some interesting things on my way here and decided to see how things played out. My apologies, Mostima"

The watcher then took his way to her table and put his hand on the closest chair " May I?" With a nod from her, the two of them now were sitting face to face.

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