Chapter 13: A Spark in The Dark Part 4

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Hi hi! How are you guys? It's been some time since I last posted, sorry for that :)

Due to some private life matters, I had to take some rest. But rest assured, for I have spent all that time writing and developing the story, making sure that when I come back, I will be ready to continue posting again.

Anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And be ready for what is coming next.

Adios, 'Gunshot sound'


1 hour before the attack.

In a run-down apartment not far away from the LGD Headquarters.

Peering out from behind the curtains, Dimitri gazed through one of the windows, his eyes tracing the movements of passersby as they went about their daily routines, oblivious to the impending upheaval that threatened to shatter the fragile peace they held dear.

"They make my stomach turn," He pulled back the curtains and looked behind him. "As our brethren endure the agony of their cursed existence each passing day, these insignificant creatures prance about, blissfully ignorant of the suffering around them."

He was in a room that had its original owners long gone. Dust filled each and every corner of it, a sign of neglect and abandonment for a long time. Most of its furniture was already taken away by looters. A small metal bed and a cracked table were all that was left.

Other than him, there were six more people inside. They were wearing military-grade armor that seemed stolen with how the sign of its original army had the reunion sign drawn over it. Some of them had their mask on while most took them off. Their equipment and the weapons they had around it was clear that they were high on the ranking ladder of the reunion leadership. 

"I hope you did not bring us here just to express your hatred for the uninfected." One of them spoke, clearly uninterested in what Dimitri was saying.

"You realize how risky it was for us to come here, let alone the risks of all of us being in the same place behind enemy lines." Another added.

"Stop whinging like little kids. I called you here to discuss the plan and give each one of you his role." Dimitri pulled a large map of the city of Lungmen out of a bag he had with him.

Pulling the cracked table to the middle of the room, he put the map on it and called for the others to come close.

They quickly encircled the table and put their focus on the map that was filled with endless notes and marks detailing what they expected to be the plan they had heard about so much. While they may seemed uninterested at first, all of that changed when the map was pulled out.

Although they knew that this plan might be the biggest thing they would ever do in Lungmen, they did not know anything else other than that. The whole thing was planned by high command and everyone else was kept in the dark about it until this very moment. 

Each one of them was a leader of an individual squad with more than 30 soldiers each, yet, they still did not even know when this plan was supposed to be executed. They could only speculate on what it was all about.

"Focus, I won't repeat my words two times, we don't have the time for that." After some silence, Dimitri spoke. " I am sure many of you have already guessed it, what we would do will be a large-scale attack on Lungmen."

"What?!" They knew it was an attack, but on Lungmen? They did not even dream of it, at least not an attack of a large scale. 

"The movement had been preparing for the attack for a long time, and every unit available was involved." To say the least, they were surprised.

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