Chapter 5: Late Date Part 2

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Langman is a prosperous city. Many, of all types of people, criminals, businessmen, infected and uninfected. All of them come here looking for opportunities to acquire unimaginable riches, but most of them fail miserably. The lucky ones of them are those who manage to return to their homeland and continue their lives normally, however, those are few.

As for the unlucky ones, you will find many of them turning to low-lives who either barely make enough to eat for a day or thugs who are ready to risk their lives for money and pride.




After the gang's real boss spoke, silence fell on the place making things tenser than they were. Mostima looked at the ground and started humming before looking back at the gangster boss and said calmly

" why we were fighting, you ask?" A smile formed on her face " I did not like how your man acted, so I thought about teaching them a small lesson." As the falling angel said that the men noticed that her eyes had started glowing in a very bright blue, which made them sweat intensely.

She looked into the sky, it was getting dark.

"Now, we can end this peacefully. Or, I can end it in a way that none of us would want it to happen" The fallen angel seemed to have made up her mind as she pulled her second staff and returned her sight towards " Promise to never touch these two again and to teach your thugs to show respect and know who to not mess with, and I will let you leave this place least not more than I've already done"

The boss considered Mostimas words carefully, if he accepted her offer he would appear weak to his underlings and would be humiliated. However, he was not sure he could beat her with everyone with him let alone, take the heat of fighting with someone related to Penguin Logistics.

"Boss, you're not actually thinking about accepting her offer are you?" Asked one of the gangsters. " Yeah boss, even if she is a caster she is only one person the others can't even fight, it will be easy."

As the voices of his underlings continued to grow louder, the boss realized that he did not have a lot of choices. So after some time thinking, he decided

" I guess there is no way out of this then...Go! Teach her what it means to mess with the cops haters gang, ATTACK!" And with that, the big fight started.

The gangster started rushing Mostima at full speed aiming to end it all real quick without making much sound. Little did they know that she was planning the exact opposite of their plan. aiming her first staff towards them and hitting her second one on the ground. Mostima did not hesitate at all to unleash her full power on them, and with a loud voice, she chanted her already prepared chants.

The gangsters knew that she was preparing some kind of arts however one of the caster's weak points was the long chanting time required to use any type of their very powerful arts. They knew that she was a strong caster but, by the time she finished her chanting they would have killed her hundreds of times. 

That is what they thought until she stopped chanting a few seconds before one of the mobs could reach her and then everything went silent. no one moved or even made a sound except Mostima and her two friends, John and Ena.

" what happened? " Ena couldn't help but have her mouth open wide from surprise " Why did they stop moving suddenly, did...did you do that ?"

" What? why are you so surprised?"While talking, Mostima aimed her staff once again and started hitting the gangsters who were incapable of running away Her blue eyes shone like a star in the dead night. "You look like someone who saw an other-worldly elderish monster" 

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