Chapter 12: A Spark in The Dark Part 3

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"The situation is dire."

On a cracked phone's screen appeared a short message. 

Ch'en did not like what she was reading.

"We need reinforcements in District 7 immediately!"

"Med evac is required in front of the shopping district, we have casualties..."

"Contact with the third riot-control squad was lost. All units close by the last position contact was made in must go and investigate what has happened.

More and more messages appeared on the screen, quickly replacing those before them. Although the channel in which all this was happening was made for only emergencies, it was already flooded with reinforcement requests or casualty reports.

The more messages Ch'en read the more the phone's screen cracked from how she was pressing on it.

"Be careful, you are going to break it." Hoshiguma who was sitting next to her said, trying to calm her.

It has been only half an hour since the first report of a terrorist attack in one of the city's squares, and the situation is already getting out of hand. Bombs, mobs, and trained infected militia if not even mercenaries, not to forget their abnormal numbers, were causing chaos everywhere.

'Whoever is behind this attack is going all out...Why would they do such a risky thing?' Ch'en couldn't help but feel enraged by all that was happening.

If anyone else was in her place, their first priority would be finding someone to blame for all that happened so that they could save their position. But she did not care. It did not matter who's fault all of this happening was, she was the chief and responsible for the LGD, so she needed to take responsibility for everything that happened no matter what the cost was.

She was willing to give her resignation letter immediately if it was not for all of this chaos still happening in the city. First, she needed to stop the attack, then she would think about the other things.

For now, her priority was finding the ring leader of the mobs.

"Officer Ch'en." Hearing her name she slowly looked up. A group of elite LGD guards sat in front of her. "Small pockets of the terrorists are in our way. What are your orders?"

"Leave them to the other squads, we are getting close to the objective," Ch'en ordered. 

They were sitting in a heavily armored transport truck that took the lead of a convoy made of similar-looking vehicles. The convoy drove through the unusually empty streets of Lungmen not caring for mobs who tried to stop it by throwing Molotovs and rocks on it.

As the convoy moved, the only thing Ch'en could do was wait while looking at the endless messages of failure popping up on her phone.




Galena was lost.

She has been trying to return to the slums for god knows how long, only to find herself in the middle of another fight. The more time passed, the more she was thankful that she did not have a watch to see the time ticking away. The only thing she could do was hope that The Watcher had yet to lose control.

She was switching from an alleyway to another, from one street to the second but everything was under lockdown. The LGD was already starting to regain control, and they made sure to hunt down anyone who was related to the reunion or simply was infected. Her only accomplishment was recognizing the magnitude of the impact the reunion had.

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