Physical Realm Explaination

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Hello everyone, Son Raon here and I'm here to explain more about the Cosmology of my stories.

In this chapter we're going to talk about one of the two parts of my verse's planetary and stellar cosmologies that I've forgotten to mention to all of you.

These two parts will be the main concern of this and the next chapter in order to finalise the verse's stellar and planetary Cosmologies - since they follow the exact same Cosmological structures - are :

A) the full explaination of the Three Voids and their Cosmological significance. This is something I've teased in the previous chapter,

B) the Physical Realm's Cosmological structure and

C) The complete Type IV Multiverse scale based on different Wiki types and what not since I've got a ton of scans about it.

Now without any further delay let's get to the interesting part which is the explanation of the Physical Realm.

After some thinking, I decided that I'll be writing about it first since it'll allow you to have a full view of the scale and complexity of each Realm as a seperate version which will make the future chapters - some of them will have increased complexity compared to these ones - far simpler to understand.


Now compared to the second chapter in this databook where I've mentioned about the universal scaling and it's relation to the Type IV Multiverse - according to Max Tegmark's postulations and overall theoretical structures, I'll do something different right now.

This different part will be that I'll try to do a hybridisation between Max Tegmark's Multiverses and Brian Greene's 9 Multiversal Types and explain extensively what things does the Physical Realm have in common with them and which ones it doesn't.


Let's begin with the first level :

- Type I Tegmark Multiverse : Infinite Ergodic Multiverse or (IEM) :

For this Multiverse Type, Max Tegmark had postulated that if due to the Cosmic Inflation there's infinite space - due to the Universe's infinite expansion - and finite known particle combinations, then there's nothing stopping the possibility of another universal Hubble Volume to coexist in the same infinite space.

That's unless you add to the equation that such a Hubble Volume would be at a distance just 10^10²⁹ Light Years away from our cosmic horizon.

Now, before we continue onwards, just in case someone of you doesn't know what is a Hubble Volume, think about it like that :

"In Cosmology , according to Edwin Hubble, a Hubble Volume - else known as a Hubble Sphere, Sphere of Causality, Hubble Zone, Hubble Sphere, Subliminal Sphere or Causal Sphere - is a region of the Observable Universe surrounding an observer, beyond which objects recede from the observer at a speed greater than the speed of light."

Now for the Mathematical enthusiasts, a Hubble Volume is a region of the Observable Universe with a staggering diameter of 10³¹ light years or 10⁷⁹ cubic meters.

On top of that regarding the cosmological implications of this theory, it's postulated that in a Type I Tegmark Multiverse any type of "Universe" existing within a Type I Multiverse would share the following similarities :

- Similar Laws of Physics.
- Similar Particle Combinations.
- Similar Space, albeit with different "coordinates" due to being so far apart from one another.

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