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The dying car flies under a bridge, the only light around was neon signs on the nearby building. Gregor skipped out before turning back into Nimona with a smirk.

"Oh! Yep! I like it. We're gonna shake this dude down in this sketchy part of town."

Ballister was next to come out, slouching and looking tired from what happened. Gwyn followed behind, trying to sooth her ears.

"Look, lets just question the squire and get out- your leg!" Ballister said, his eyes wide and his body stiff as he points at her.

"Huh?" Nimona asked, confused.

The knight starts to panic as he bends down and gestures to her leg.

"There's an arrow in your leg!" He told her.

"Oh" she replied, turning her leg so she could see that there was, in fact, an arrow in her leg.

Gwyn, not noticing it before, finally did and she immediately turned green. She then ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up noisily. Ballister cringed before she stopped and sat down on a nearby bench. He then pulled the injured shapeshifter over to the bench, despite her refusal.

"Your bleeding. Sit" he told her before he made her sit down next to Gwyn.

Ballister kneels on the ground and Gwyn held Nimona's hand in reassurance. For both of them.

"We're just gonna take a look, okay?" He told her before her slowly grabbed the arrow, causing blood to squirt out.

"Yah! Okay. Okay. Okay. That's-it's-that's in there" he said before patting Nimona's shoulder.

"Uh, everything's fine. We're just gonna...we're gonna do this on three."

Nimona gives him a tiny nod. Slowly, he grabs the arrow before looking right up at her.

"You ready?" He asked, his eyes moving to both girls then the arrow.


He pulled out the arrow, expecting screams of pain. But to his complete shock, she only looked at him with a blank face.

"Oh..." Gwyn said before she started to faint and fall over.

Nimona quickly catches her as she gets out of her "fainting" state. Ballister looks at her confused.

"Okay, most people scream at that part" he said.

"I m not a people" she told him, still having a blank face.

Gwyn takes a deep breath, avoiding looking at Nimona's injured leg.

"Does...does it hurt?" Ballister asked her.

Gwyn glared at him.

"Of course it would hurt! She had a fricking arrow in her leg!....oh it makes me sick just thinking about it" She told him, slightly turning green again.

Nimona and Ballister looked at each other. Once Gwyn felt better, she saw their looks.


"Gwyn. Is there... a reason you faint or get sick at blood?" Ballister asked her, looking at her softly.

She sighed.

"Blood makes me think of wounds. And wounds can lead to death.....I'm scared to death...of death. Look, I understand that it's part of life, but it's just...I don't know. Something inside of my stomach just knots up. You know that feeling you get when you're on a rollercoaster and you're going down a huge drop? It's like that" she explained.

He nodded. Nimona looked at her.

"You know, I was once told that death is beautiful" she told her.

She laughed in disbelief.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now