New beginnings

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Some of us don't get the "happily ever after" we were looking for. Maybe it's not that kind of kingdom. Or maybe it's not the end of this story.

About two weeks has passed since Nimona's passing and Gwyn was still grieving. Since her and Ballister's names were cleared, she moved back in with Ambroseus. But she barely left the apartment. Ambroseus would actually sometimes joke around that her hair was going to turn black from her not leaving the as much as she should. It was almost as if she was scared to make friends now. And it worried Ambroseus.

At Mrs. Wigglesworth's flower emporium, Gwyn was sweeping the floor because one bag of soil ripped open and spilled everywhere. She was nearly finished when she backed into someone, causing his drink to spill all over his shirt. And it wasn't hard to tell that he was not happy about it. Her hearing starts to shut down as he started cussing her out, causing tears to stream down her face. Gwyn frantically starts looking around for Mrs. Wigglesworth or a bundle of lavender but she didn't find them. Her face goes pale and her vision starts to fuzz out. What she could barely see was Mrs. Wigglesworth beating the guy up with a broom, cussing him out before a pair of arms picked her up and carried her into one of the back rooms. She tries to kick away but her knees felt weak. She was set on a cozy couch and could barely see a guy wearing white and yellow clothing motioning with his arms for her to breath. She closes her eyes before feeling a forehead pressed against her's and palms resting on her cheeks. Only one person in the realm does this with she has a panic attack. Ambroseus. She relaxed a little before she starts counting.

"1....2....3...." the feeling in her legs start to come back, but sore.

"4....5...." she continued counting as Ambroseus smiled.

Once she finished counting, she laid her head back on the chair with a sigh, her breath returning to normal.

"Are you okay?" Ambroseus asked, kneeling in front of her in his usual white and yellow hoodie.

She knew that she worried him, especially now. But that didn't matter as she jumped into his arms, making him nearly fall over backwards.

"Shining silver?" He hugged back gently as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do anymore! I just miss her so much" she told him.

Ambroseus sighed.

"It's okay. Let it all out. I'm here, and I won't let you go again."

His words made her heart melt as she choked up muffled sobs and cried into his chest.

"I hate seeing you like this. I'm worried about you, Gwyn" he told her, stroking her hair.

"Please don't leave me. I can't lose you too...." Gwyn whispered.

"What? Of course I won't, Gwyn. I promise I will never leave you again. I love you so much..." he kissed her head.

"I love you too, Ambroseus..." she snuggled up against him.

They stayed in a comfortable silence for a bit before he spoke up.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend again?" He asked, rubbing her back and smiling.

"Um...technically, we never broke up" Gwyn sniffled.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now