The morning of

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The sweet chirping of morning scarlet filled Ambroseus and Gwyneth's bedroom. The heavenly morning glow illuminated the eggshell walls, casting a glimmer the many photos and mementos that decorated them. The navy blue bedspread appearing more shappire as the sun's rise slowly creeped up the queen bed, soon casting its light on the couple in the center. Since he was sleeping on his back, facing the open window, Ambroseus was the first to see the sun's morning greeting. He begrudgingly accepted his early wake up call, rubbing his eyes as he stared down lovingly at the angelic beauty resting on his chest. He watched at her chest softly rose and fell under the covers, her soft breath tickling his neck. Her arms were tangled around him in a secure embrace, which tightened when Ambroseus decided to reposition his arm, causing him to smile. He gently placed his hands on her waist as he placed a small kiss on the top of Gwyn's head. It's only been three years since they met and started dating and he would be lying if he didn't want to see her face every morning. He phone buzzed and he picked it up. On his calendar was a reminder of what today was. The day where he was going to be knighted. His sights were directed back to his sweet angel as he felt her stir, a soft groan escaping her lips as she began to wake up. Ambroseus smiled, placing his phone down and engulfing his girlfriend in his arms.

"Good morning, my shining silver" he sang, placing a kiss on her forehead as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Peacefully," she groaned, stretching her arm up in the air before casting a sly smirk.

"Thanks to you" she bit her lip, a slight blush crossing her cheeks as she remembered last night.

Ambroseus's cocky smile and raised eyebrow caused her to giggle nervously.

"Oh yeah," he spoke, snaking his arm around her waist.

Without giving her time to process, Ambroseus quickly flipped Gwyn, allowing him to rest on top of her, a mischievous smile spreading as he startled her waist. He hovered over her, laughing as he watched her face turn bright red. Even though they've been dating for years, Gwyn always got slightly embarrassed about their intimacy.....but that didn't stop either of them before.

"Well," he spoke seductively, caressing Gwyn's side as he stared into her silver eyes, watching her own seductive smirk starting to creep in.

"What would you say...." he leaned in, placing a couple kisses on her neck before whispering in her ear, "to a round two?"

Gwyn giggled, pushing Ambrosius back so she could look at him, a strong desire danced in her eyes as she spoke.

"What are you waiting for, My knight in shining armor?"

She quickly pulled him down, bringing his lips to hers. She tangled her fingers in his silky hair as he deepened the hungry kiss. Just as things were getting romantic, loud pounding fist beat against their bedroom door.

"Hey, love birds!" Todd's voice shouted from the other side. "Stop whatever you're doing and get up!!! It's knighting day!"

Ambroseus let out an agitated groan, running a hand down his face while Gwyn covered her beat red cheeks, awkwardly giggling.

"Will you stop embarrassing them!" Ballister's voice yelled from their kitchen.

"Unless you two are going to give the kingdom a new knight....."

"BAL!" Ambroseus yelled, earning Gwyn's laughter before she sat up in bed, allowing her boyfriend to pout on her shoulder.

"Why did we choose to live nearby the other cadets again?" He asked.

"Because..." Gwyn started, combing her fingers through his hair. "We thought it'd be a good idea just incase of emergencies."

Ambroseus groaned, sliding out of bed and stretching.

"They seem to be overusing that privilege."

Gwyn giggled at Ambroseus's irritation. She crawled to the edge of the bed, sitting on her knees to wrap her arms around her lover's shoulders. She pressed her soft gray pajama crop-top against his bare back.

"Hey," she whispered, her lips brushing against his ear, making a shiver go down his spine.

"No irritation on my knight in shining armor's big day. I will not allow it!" She told him before placing a series of kisses from his neck and down to his shoulder, trying to brighten his mood.

Grateful for his shining silver's love, he placed his hand over her's as they rested on his chest, right on his heart. He took a deep breath, savoring this sweet moment with his girlfriend. He cherished everything he shared with her. Every moment, no matter how small it was, made his hear flutter. When he opened his eyes, he peaked over his shoulder and at his shining silver, placing a loving kiss on her cheek.

"As you wish, my love" he told her.

Detangling herself from Ambroseus's shoulders, Gwyn stepped off of the bed.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and start getting ready for tonight. I think you and the other cadets are going to head to the Glorodome soon, right?" She asked.

"Yeah.... Unfortunately" he muttered the last part.

"Hey, I'll see you at the knighting ceremony" she pecked his lips. "My glistening gold."

She then left for the bathroom, leaving him a flustered mess.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin