Rumi and Ryuko

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"What am I doing here, Rumi?" Ryuko sighed, rubbing her temples in exasperation as she sat on a bench in the Rabbit Heroine Agency's gym... Calling it an agency was a bit of a stretch, considering it was just a refurbished warehouse turned workout area for Mirko and a small office space where she handled hero work. Regardless, Ryuko was here because Mirko had insisted on challenging her to some sort of endurance competition... and she still wasn't entirely sure what it meant.

"You're here to prove yourself!" Mirko smirked, stretching her arms behind her back as she stood in front of Ryuko. She wore nothing but a tight sports bra and matching shorts, both branded with the word 'Bleached' at the band. Ryuko couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the branding choice... she had never heard of such a clothing brand before. "Endurance is important for a hero, ya know?"

Ryuko sighed, shaking her head as she adjusted her own workout clothes, which consisted of a simple t-shirt and yoga pants. Her friend had the brilliant idea of challenging her to a contest of endurance without ever bothering to explain what exactly they were going to be doing. "Rumi, with all due respect... this is just a huge waste of time," Ryuko grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked up at Mirko.

"It's always fucking work with you. What was the last time you had fun?" The rabbit heroine narrowed her piercing red eyes, looking down at Ryuko with a smug grin... Ryuko knew Mirko was right. She rarely had time to relax or do anything besides hero work. It had been so long since she had taken a day off to do something for herself. Maybe this would be good for her? Just her and a short fussed rabbit heroine, whom she begrudgingly admitted was one of her closest friends, competing to see who could last longer.

The dragon shifter let out another sigh, standing up from the bench as she shook her head. She might as well play along with Mirko, even if it was all just a silly game. "Fine, Rumi, what is going to be, treadmill race?" Ryuko asked, gesturing to the treadmills in the corner of the room. Mirko just laughed, shaking her head as she motioned towards another door across the room.

"Nope! We're gonna do somethin' a little more interesting, Ryu!" Mirko grinned, the same grin she always got when she came up with some crazy plan... Ryuko couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping up inside of her... She should have known Mirko would come up with something crazy. "Follow me!"

Ryuko followed Mirko through the other door, leading into a small room... It looked like a bedroom, with a queen-sized bed in the center and various workout equipment scattered around the room. "Uhhh... Rumi, what is this?" Ryuko asked, raising an eyebrow as she glanced around the room... She could swear she saw a box of condoms on the dresser by the bed... This was getting weirder by the second.

"This, my dear Ryuko, is where we will compete in our endurance challenge!" Mirko smirked, spreading her arms wide as she gestured around the room... Ryuko felt her cheeks heating up as she realized what Mirko meant... Endurance challenge? Was she suggesting they... No, there was no way she meant that. "We'll fuck until whoever gives up first!"

"Wha-Rumi!" Ryuko gasped, her cheeks burning bright red as she stared at Mirko in shock. Endurance challenge?! She never expected Mirko to suggest something so... So inappropriate! Sure, Mirko was known for being wild and uninhibited, but Ryuko never imagined she would suggest something like this. "Are you serious?!"

Mirko just laughed, shrugging her shoulders as she moved closer to Ryuko. The dragon shifter found herself backing up until she bumped into the bed... There was nowhere to run now. "Dead serious, Ryuko! Endurance is important for heroes, and fucking is a great way to build stamina!" Mirko smirked, moving even closer until Ryuko found herself sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You two are starting without me." A voice chuckled from across the room. Ryuko turned to see a man walking towards them, his muscular body glistening with sweat... He was tall, with pale skin, white hair, and piercing crimson eyes. Eyes that looked strangely familiar.

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