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Jiro's nerves were absolutely rattling as she stood backstage before her first rock performance, opening for a white foreign rock star on tour in Japan. She had been practicing for months leading up to this moment, but not even her hero training at UA could have prepared her for the adrenaline rush she was experiencing. As she adjusted her guitar strap one last time, she heard a deep, sultry voice call out from behind her.

"Hey there, sweetheart."

She turned around to see none other than the rock star himself approaching her - tall, pale, and handsome, with his hair flowing freely. The heroine gulped as he smiled at her, trying to maintain her composure despite the flutter in her stomach.

"H—Hey! Uh... It's great to meet you, sir. I can hardly believe we're going to be performing together tonight," she stammered. Goddamit Kyouka, not even Kaminari would be this awkward.

The rock star chuckled good-naturedly as he shook her hand. "Please, call me John. And trust me, you deserve this gig more than anyone else I've seen so far. You've got real talent, Jirou."

Kyouka blushed deeply at the praise as the rock star continued.

"So tell me, are you ready to get out there and rock?"

John flashed another dazzling smile that made the punk girl melt inside, but somehow she managed to keep her cool on the outside as she nodded firmly.

"So let's rock, Earphone Jack!"

It was just supposed to be one song, but somehow Kyouka found herself performing alongside John all throughout his concert set, her electric guitar blaring as loud as the rest of the instruments as she sang and played along. Her heart was pounding harder than it ever had during hero training, but damn if it wasn't the most exhilarating experience she'd ever had.

And when the concert finally reached its end and John took center stage to deliver his final words to the audience, Kyouka couldn't help but beam proudly as he praised her playing.

"You guys wanna hear some more of that sick guitar work? Let's give it up for Earphone Jack!"

As the black man gestured towards Kyouka, the crowd erupted into cheers that made the punk girl feel like she was about to float away from euphoria. She waved bashfully to the fans until John called out again.

"C'mon over here, Earphone Jack! Don't be shy now!"

Kyouka did as she was told and joined the rock star at center stage, blushing madly as she faced the cheering fans.

"Now how about you give these people a little solo before we wrap things up? Think you can handle it, Earphone Jack?" John whispered teasingly into Kyouka's ear as he handed her a microphone. "Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging out there alone. Show 'em what you got, sweetheart!"

The heroine gave a confident nod as John stepped back to allow her room to perform. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Kyouka closed her eyes as the spotlight shone upon her, and the crowd fell silent. Then, after a brief moment of suspense, she plugged one of her jacks into her guitar and began to play, pouring her entire soul into every note as she strummed furiously across the fretboard.

Her music filled the venue, drowning out all other sounds as the punk girl lost herself in the rhythm, her fingers moving automatically as they plucked strings while her jack tapped against the guitar body in sync with the notes. It was an impressive display of dexterity and musical talent that earned Kyouka thunderous applause from the fans.

But eventually Kyouka opened her eyes again to realize that she had finished her solo, the heroine panting heavily as sweat dripped off her flushed face onto the floor below. Then John returned to center stage once more as Kyouka stepped aside to catch her breath, wrapping up the show by thanking everyone who came out to support him. When he finally wrapped up his speech, John turned to the punk girl once more.

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