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-----Pooja's POV----

***One week later**

All of us were hanging out before class started. We had become friends with the guys, they seemed pretty chill.

Divya came and joined us.

"Yeh lo. Take one and pass it around,"she said.

"This is a box of sweets,"Husna said.

"Correct,"Divya said.

"Why?"Atif asked.

"Meri chachi ka pasa ek larki hu hai," she said.

"Larki ki mithai?" Hussain questioned.

"What's wrong with that?"Divya asked.

"Nothing, I never said something was wrong with it,"Hussain replied.

"Anyways, I'm giving you these because my aunt finally had a child. I don't care what it is. All I know is I'm going to spoil her. I'm going to be her favorite cousin, just watch,"she said.

This topic was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh yaha par tho sweets hai,"Ameesha said.

Seriously? What's her problem?

She went to get one, but Divya slapped her hand away. I was shocked.

"You don't get any. Sour and sweet doesn't mix to well. Your sour attitude is going to ruin this,"Divya said.

Well, looks like we found someone else who's life Ameesha has ruined. Welcome to my club Divya.

"Why are you even giving these?"Ameesha asked.

"None of your business,"Divya said and left.

Everyone seemed confused about what just happened.

"Divya!!"I yelled and ran after her.

I took my forever to catch up. Stupid having to dress up for a presentation. Should have brought other shoes, but who knew I'd have to run in heels.

"Hey, what happened?"I asked.

"Oh, I just had to leave from there,"she said.

"You can talk to me. I hate Ameesha as well. She's made my life a living hell til she moved here for her senior year and I had a year of my life happily lived,"I said.

"Well, her senior year made my life hard. I was a TA in the class she was in and I'm not a first year, in case you are wondering,"she said.

"You aren't?"I questioned.

"No, I've graduated already, but I didn't get my degree due to unit problems,"she said.

"I didn't know that was possible,"I said.

"Neither did I, but it happen,"she said.

"Wow,"I said.

"I know right. But anyways, I have to repeat the science course because of Ameesha. She made it so hard to focus on my class. It was probably because I had that class last. After, I was done being a TA. I normally didn't let people get to me, but she did. It was awful,"she said. "I really don't want to talk about it and I really think we should get going."

"Right, we got class. Challo,"I said and we left.

We got class and everyone of our friends asked if things were okay and we said they were.

Once again I couldn't focus and I noticed that Divya couldn't either. So I forced myself to pay attention and get things down.

I wonder if there's anyone else who's life Ameesha has ruined.

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