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"That's my finals week!!"I yelled.

"Abh hama toh nahi patha tha, but if your still going to around guys toh kaha par rhi hu?"My dad said.


"Chup!! Don't argue with us. You can figure it out yourself,"he said and hung up.

I sighed and left to school.

"Hey,"Divya said.

"Hi, how are you?"I asked.

"I'm good and you?"She asked.

"Great,"I lied.

We carried on our conversation for a bit til she had to go to class.

Once our classes were over we met up where we hung out.

I noticed there was also some other girl there this time.

"Hey, this is my cousin,Priya,"Divya introduced us.

"I know her. She's in my math class,"Priya said to me.

"I am?"I asked.

"Yeah, you sit two seats in front of me,"she said.

"Oh, sorry. I never noticed,"I said.

"It's okay,"Priya said.

We thankfully didn't have English class today so we just sat and talked. Mostly we just kept the introduction going.

"Hey have you seen Arya?"Sain asked joining us.

Thankfully alone.

"I don't know where she is. She said she isn't coming til later, because she doesn't have English today just science,"I said.

"Okay thanks,"he said and left.

Us girls returned to conversation.

We talked for God knows about how long before it was time for us to go to science.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in class,"I said to Priya.

"Same here,"she said as me and Divya left.

We went inside and sat with our groups.

Divya isn't with anyone of us. Poor girl.

Our class got started but still no Arya.

"Arya, kaha hai?"Shehry asked.

"I don't know. She should have been here by now. Patha nahi kaha margi,"I said.

"Dude! Language!" Both of the guys said.

"Oh ho, you know what I meant,"I said.

Thankfully, she walked in.

"Sorry, traffic mai phas gi thi,"she said sitting with us.

Our professor gave half the period for group work and lecture the other half.

----Waqas' POV----

"Hey, sorry to bother you but have you guys seen her?" Some guy asked showing a picture of Ameesha.

"Nope,"we said.

"Okay,"he said and left.

"Abh is ki jaan ki dushman banni hai,"Hussain said.

"I think so,"I said.

We laughed at that.

----Pooja's POV---

Our class was over and we left.

Divya caught up with us to tell Arya about something work related.

"Divya!" Priya came and joined us.

"Kya hua?"She asked.

"Rohan,"she said.

"Kaha?"Divya asked.

"I don't know but I saw him earlier talking to some guys,"Priya said.

"Excuse me, yeh Rohan kohn hai?"I asked.

"You know Ameesha?"Priya asked.

"Of course,"I said.

"Rohan is her boyfriend,"she said.

"WHAT?!" Me and Arya said together both shocked.

"Why are you both so shocked?"She asked.

Should I tell her? Barely met her, but she's seems like someone I can trust.

I went on and told her everything.

"Oh, then it's even worse now,"Divya and Priya said.

"How?"We asked.

"Because Ameesha alone is bad but them together that's almost dangerous," Priya said.

"Oh,"I said.

"Yeah,"she said.

"Priya, can you help me out with something?"I asked.

"Sure, aaj hi miley hu aaj hi barth lo,"she said.

I went on and told her what I had in mind. I didn't care if the other girls heard or not.

"Okay, I'm in,"she said.

"We,"Divya and Arya said.

"What?"Me and Priya asked.

"We're in,"they clarified.

"Dost ho toh aap sab jasa,"I said as we started walking to the parking lot.


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