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Feel Good Inc. ~ Gorillaz

 ~ Gorillaz

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It had been a couple of days since Evelyn arrived to Storybrooke and a lot had already happened. The day after she arrived Neal called Tara and asked her to come. And the same day she arrived a lot happened. Neal tried to fill her in with everything about August and everything else and as much as she wanted to help she needed to keep a low profile.

Since everyone she... knew had been quite occupied in the last two days she had taken her chance to go around the city, trying her best not to get noticed. But in the small town voices ran fast and it was only a matter of seconds before some hurried voices were heard talking about some mysterious woman that had just arrived in town.

Ruby was the first one to talk about this with the Charming family. When it happened Neal feared for the worst and he quickly tried to invent an excuse, but somehow, even if she didn't know the actual truth, Emma helped him when she asked him if the mysterious woman was the one she had seen in New York, Dahlia.

When he simply confirmed her question and just said that she was in town just to check out some things and make sure everything was fine, luckily everyone seemed to believe him, well Emma wasn't so sure though.

Either way despite all the questions she had been given from time to time by the locals, Evelyn kept doing what she went there for: finding out what the hell was going on.

Since she started searching around the town she immediately had a feeling something was off.

It was a cold afternoon when she walked out of the hotel. She made her way through the streets keeping her head low. As she walked she brought up her right wrist and looked down at her watch. She had that watch ever since she arrived in the Real World. Somehow it had appeared on her wrist when she arrived there, but it never worked.

At first she simply removed it and placed it on her nightstand and it took her a few years to realise that the watch determined the fact that she wasn't aging. But when she arrived in Storybrooke she immediately noticed how it started finally working. The spell, whatever spell that was, had been broken the minute she arrived in the small city.

She kept walking until she reached Granny's. She desperately needed a coffee after she had been working the whole day to find some clues. so she was about to walk in when suddenly she noticed something strange at the library. Evelyn furrowed her brows before slowly starting to walk there.

She walked for a while until she arrived right in front of it. She was about to walk closer to get inside when suddenly the door was opened. She quickly ran away just in time behind a wall to hide herself. As she peeked from behind the wall she observed the people exiting the library. The first one she saw was a man who she didn't recognise carrying a woman with a bag on her head.

What surprised her, though, was who she saw next. Behind him followed a woman with dark hair that she immediately recognised as Tara, Neal's fiancée. What the hell was she doing there?, she thought confused. But before anything else could happen her heart dropped as she saw Hook getting out of the library and following the man and the woman in a van.
So, he was alive and working with who seemed to be bad guys.

Evelyn scoffed shocked by what she had just seen as she came out of her hiding spot as the man she didn't recognise started driving away. Probably she should have thought more about what she was about to do, but she couldn't stop herself when she immediately ran to one of the cars parked along the sidewalk.

She needed to follow that van, but she didn't have her motorcycle and it would have taken too long to get to it so she had to find another way. She sighed before bringing her fist up and smashing it against the car window. As it broke in a million pieces that fell everywhere she looked around making sure no one had seen her, than when she made sure it was all clear she opened the car door from the inside and got in.

She began to manoeuvre some wires until she heard the engine start, then she quickly began driving, making her way to where she had seen the van go.

As she drove it took her a few minutes until she finally reached it. She made sure not to get noticed as she kept following it, but she couldn't help but furrow her brows confused as it stopped at the docks. What confused her most, though, was that it stopped right in front of a cannery.

She stopped her car and made sure that they couldn't see her as she carefully watched while they all walked out of the van. The man dragged the woman with the bag on her head out of the van too and in that moment Evelyn finally recognised who that woman was. She wasn't so sure but she really looked like Regina, the Evil Queen.

As they walked inside the cannery Evelyn took her phone and dialed Neal's number and then brought her phone to her ear.

On the other line Neal was alone in his room waiting for Tamara to come back when he heard his phone ringing. He took his phone and when he read Evelyn's name he quickly answered the call.

"Evelyn?", he said as soon as he answered the call.

"Neal, listen I've seen something and I need you to come here. I think I know who's causing everything that's been going on. Neal, I'm at
the-", he listened to her say hurriedly when suddenly the line cut off.

"Evelyn? Can you hear me? What happened?", he immediately asked but received no answer as the line went dead. "Evelyn?!"

Greg Mendell and Tamara knew that Evelyn was going to be a problem from the start. That's way Tamara took care of her in New York, hoping that it would have at least slowed her down from getting to Storybrooke, but she had recovered quite quickly.

So, when Tamara saw her in Storybrooke she immediately told Greg and they took care of keeping an eye on her every move. When that afternoon they got out of the library after kidnapping Regina they knew that Evelyn was gonna be at Granny's for a coffee, she always was.

So they knew she was gonna see them and follow them.

When they arrived at the cannery Greg sneaked out from the back. Then he made sure not to get noticed and made its way to where Evelyn was hiding. When he saw her giving him her back as she talked on the phone he took his chance. He saw a metal pole on the ground so he picked it up and without thinking twice he forcefully hit her on the back of her head, making her fall unconscious on the ground.

Greg looked at her unconscious form with a smirk then he bent down and picked up her phone that had fallen on the ground as well. He could hear Neal's voice still calling her name on the other line. He clenched his jaw in anger at the only thought of the man his love, Tamara, was "about to marry". Without thinking too much about it he hang up, a big smirk playing on his lips, before he bent down again and roughly dragged Evelyn away.

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