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- Steve Lacy -

DARK RED- Steve Lacy -

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"A SEXTANT? AND you're telling us about this now?", Emma asked Hook as they were all back in the camp.

"How do we know you're not lying?", Regina asked him.

"Oh, you don't. But I'm not. This is the best hope yet we've had of an exit plan and don't forget we're gonna need one", Hook told her.

"Then what are we waiting for?", Emma asked.

"Emma, you were right. You need to get that message to Henry. I'll come with you, but Hook and David should go", Evelyn told her with a soft tone.

"She's right", David said as he got ready.

"Uh, you want to split up?", Mary Margaret asked confused.

"It's the last thing I want to do. But if there's a chance Hook can get us home...", David said trailing off.

"Okay", Mary Margaret said understanding.

"Emma, while I'm gone, just-", David began saying but she cut him off.

"Listen to my mother?", Emma asked him and he chuckled softly.

"Be careful", he told her.

"I always am", she replied.

"And when you send that message to Henry, add something to it for me would you?", David asked her and she hummed in response. "Tell him Grandpa loves him", he told her with a smile and went to hug her tightly.

"Oh. Um, okay. Good luck", Emma muttered awkwardly, not really expecting the hug.

"You, too", he told her as they pulled apart.

Meanwhile Evelyn stood beside Hook as she watched David say goodbye to his daughter and his wife. She sighed deeply and Hook squeezed her hand softly before David made his way to his younger sister.

She smiled softly at him and he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back just as tight and when they pulled apart she spoke up.

"It's going to be okay", she told him softly.

"Yeah, I know", he replied with a small smile before moving his gaze to Hook and nodding, meaning that he was ready to go.


A while later Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina and Evelyn were walking back to their camp. They had managed to find a Lost Boy and they tricked him. After some convincing Regina took his heart and they used him to send Henry a message through a small mirror.

They managed to talk to him and make sure he knew that they were there for him. So, now they were walking back to their camp once they knew he was fine.

Evelyn was the last one while Emma was leading the way. Suddenly she heard a strange sound coming from behind her and she furrowed her brows as she looked back. When she didn't see anything she kept walking until she heard the sound again and this time she knew what it was.

"Go on, I'll catch up with you later", she told them and they all nodded before beginning to walk again.

Evelyn clenched her jaw and took a knife from the back of her pants. She held it tightly in her hands as she began walking through the woods, following the sound.

She walked for a while looking around cautiously until she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"It's good to see you here again, Evie", she heard someone say from behind her back, using the nickname only Killian had ever used to call her. She immediately turned around and held her knife high. The boy in front of her simply smirked as he remained in his position leaning against a tree.

"You know, after everything you've done to get out of here I never thought you would come back", he said with a smirk as he looked at her.

"What do you want, Pan?", she asked the boy through gritted teeth.

"From you? Nothing, really. We both know you have already given me what I want. Or should I say not yet?", he told her as he slowly moved from the tree and started walking towards her.

Evelyn simply clenched her jaw as he got closer to her, but she didn't move. When he reached her she kept her knife against his throat and he simply kept a smirk on his face.

"Does the pirate know the real reason why I let you get out of this island all those years ago? Did you tell him about our deal?", he asked her with the same wide smirk.

"He doesn't need to know", she answered slowly pressing the knife further in his neck, but not enough to draw blood.

"Maybe before he didn't, but now you're back together, here. We both know that one way or another he will find out, and we both know it won't be pretty", he told her, his smirk turning to a much scarier one. But Evelyn held her posture and her knife against his neck.

She couldn't say anything. As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was right. Killian would have found out one way or another.


Evelyn came back to the camp, her mind filled with thoughts about what had just happened. When she got there she found everyone back, Killian and David too.

Looking at her brother and then at Hook she realised that they had made it and David had drank the water. He was fine now and she was happy for that.

When they heard her they all turned around and David was the first one to go to her. Once he reached her he immediately hugged her tightly and she hugged him back just as tight.

"I'm glad you're okay", she whispered in his ear as they kept hugging.

"It's all thanks to your boyfriend", he said with a chuckle as they pulled apart. She smiled at him before moving her gaze to Killian.

She slowly made her way to him, while the others walked away to care of their own stuff.

"Thank you, for what you did for my brother", she told him softly and truthfully.

"I thought it would have made him change his mind about me", he said jokingly and she softly chuckled.

A soft silence followed and Killian began to frown as he saw her worried expression.

"Are you okay, Evie?", he asked her softly as he walked closer to her.

"Yeah, just a little tired from all of this", she assured him with a small smile, quickly coming up with a lie.

When she looked in his ocean blue eyes she couldn't help but feel guilt rising up in her chest. If he ever found out what she had done he probably would have never forgiven her.

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