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- Childish Gambino -

DO YA LIKE x RESONANCE- Childish Gambino -

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IT ALL HAPPENED in a blur. Emma told her secret to Neal, that she still loved him but she wasn't over the pain he had caused her. She had freed him and soon they had gotten out of the cave.
The air was pretty awkward when they walked out.

"Thank you", Neal told them.

"Don't thank us yet. We still have to save Henry", David said.

"We found your star maps. The real question is, do you know how to get off this island?", Hook asked him.

"If we can find Henry, I can get us home", Neal said.

"Then let's go get Tinker Bell, and retrieve the boy", Hook said and quickly began walking away. Evelyn sighed looking at him and David did the same when he saw Mary Margaret also quickly leaving following the angry pirate. The two siblings looked at each other, both going through the same thing before following after them.

As they kept walking David moved quickly making his way to Mary Margaret while Evelyn did the same with Killian.

Once she found him he did his best to ignore her and keep walking.

"Killian, please can we talk-", she tried to tell him but he quickly cut her off.

"I have nothing to tell you", he simply told her with an angry tone before walking even faster away from her. Evelyn sighed as she watched him. She feared that he would've never forgiven her.


"Pan's Shadow? That's your way off the island?", Emma asked Neal. They were all back in the camp, trying to make a plan.

"Unfortunately it's the only way", Neal told her.

"Oh. We thought you learnt how to navigate the stars", David told him confused.

"I know how to navigate the stars. But I can't fly", Neal replied.

"I'm guessing that's where the Shadow comes in", Mary Margaret said.

"That's why we have to capture it", Neal told them.

"Capture it? We've never been within 10 feet of Pan unless he wanted us to be. Sneaking up on him to steal his Shadow, that sounds insane", Emma said confused.

"Well, Pan's Shadow is barely ever with him. It's like an entity by itself. It can carry out his will from miles away", Evelyn explained.

"What does that mean for us?", David asked.

"It means we can get his Shadow without having to be anywhere near Pan. As long as we know where to look. I know where to look", Neal explained.

"Okay. You and I are on Shadow duty", Emma told Neal as they stood up from the rock they were sitting on.

"In the meantime, we'll give Tinker Bell a heads up", David said referring to himself and Mary Margaret. "See if she can make good on her promise to get us into Pan's camp."

"We can come with you", Evelyn said referring to herself and Hook.

"No, I think we should stay and check around the island, see if anything happens", Hook said instead making Evelyn look at him confused, but he never looked back at her.

"Okay. We meet back at Tink's. Then we get Henry and get the hell back to Storybrooke", Emma said as she began walking away with Neal.

David moved his hand to help Mary Margaret stand up, but she simply ignored him and stood up by herself and began walking away.

Hook moved further from Evelyn as soon as she tried to talk to him, leaving her and her older brother to stand there together.

"It's going to be okay", he told her with a sigh.

"You sure? Because I'm really doubting it", she told him shaking her head.

"Well, I hope. Because otherwise I don't know what we could possibly do", he said looking down. He looked back up and gave her a sympathetic look that she shared before leaving to follow Mary Margaret.

Evelyn cleared her throat and began following Hook through the woods. She quickly reached him and he kept walking fast, giving her his back.

It was silent and pretty awkward for a while until she had enough.

"Killian", she tried to call him but he kept walking. "Killian!"

This time he stopped in his tracks and she could hear his heavy breathing even if he was stil giving her his back.

"Look, I know you invented the excuse to 'check around the island' to talk with me. So, stop ignoring me and let's just talk", she told him seriously. She watched as he slowly turned to her and when he did she saw the angry but somewhat calm expression on his face.

"Why?", he simply asked her.

"What do you mean?", she asked him confused.

"Why didn't you tell me? It would've have been so simple. We could've have found a way to fix all of this together!", he exclaimed.

"I feared that if I told you it would have ruined everything between us, that you would've found a new person to seek revenge against and we would've gone back to what it used to be with Rumplestilskin", she told him trying to sound calm.

"So, you feared that I would've gone back to be the bad guy? You didn't trust me enough?", he asked her angrily, his voice getting higher.

"No! I feared that this damn curse would have gotten in between our love, our happiness! Because I'm not sure if I would be able to remain sane. I want to be able to hold our first born in my arms and to see you become dad, but because of this curse I'll never be able to. And I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing that I had chosen to keep my firstborn over the life of the man I love!", she told him matching his tone, but with tears in her eyes at this point.

His eyes got softer at her words. He slowly moved closer to her and placed softly his hand on her cheek. He wiped away her tears and she melted in his touch. With a sigh he moved closer to her and embraced her tightly in a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist while hers went around his neck. He buried his face in her neck and closed his eyes, letting a few tears fall and slide down his cheeks.

"We'll find a way, I promise. We'll go through this together. And no matter what, I promise you I will always love you", he whispered softly in her hear.

"I'm so sorry", she whispered back with a broken voice.

"It's okay", he told her softly and hugged her tighter. Even if they were such simple words, Evelyn knew he meant them and that's all she cared about.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ༄ 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu