part 18

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Seokjin: see I told you Taehyung didn't do it on purpose. She was just accused.

Yoongi: I am sorry hyung.

Seokjin: don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to your wife. You're a king now Yoongi. You have to take any little decision carefully that didn't create any problem. I will not alawys there to teach you everything. You have to learn them.

Yoongi nods and Seokjin left.

Today is very embarrassing day for Yoongi. Frist he woke up in his wife's arm and now he found out her wife was not guilty but he already misbehave with her. Now what she should do.....

At Taehyung's room

Nancy: I didn't thought you have this strength to tackle a wolf.

Taehyung: don't underestimate me I am queen of wolf kingdom.
Taehyung gives a proud smile and Nancy was happy to see her happy.

Slave: my queen !
A young girl come in Taehyung's  personal room and bow before her.

Our king send this for you and he want to have lunch with you.
He ask are you want to company him?

Taehyung: of course...
With excitement Taehyung spill it and then feel embarrassed before the rest of the member. They give smirk  for Taehyung's movement.
You can go now.

She left.

Nancy: I think our king is now starting change.

Taehyung sigh and think that if he change her life will be become perfect.

At lunch

The stuff and chef were setting the food in table for the king's  and queen's personal lunch.
Yoongi and Taehyung was there. They don't know what to say specially infront of the other people they don't to speak anything. So they chose to keep quit.
After serve everything the stuff left to give them space.
Both of them start eating their food and didn't say anything.
Finally Yoongi broke the silences.

Yoongi: Tae..Taehyung!
I am sorry...

Yoongi down his head to avoid the eye contact. Taehyung eyes got wide. She didn't accept the apology from Yoongi.

Taehyung: it's okay I  don't mind. I should careful about this things next time.

Yoongi though Taehyung didn't forgive him so he said

Yoongi: to take forgiveness I will take you outside tomorrow as you never see the nature of wolf kingdom.

Taehyung: really I will love to go outside.

Yoongi: me too

Taehyung loves him so it's normal to her say the words but Yoongi. She was shocked.

Next day

Yoongi: wear comfortable dress no need to wear any queen dress.

Taehyung nods and get ready as Yoongi wants.

Taehyung: there is nothing outside to carry us. How will we go our destination?

Yoongi: you will go on my back.

Taehyung: you will take me in your back. You must be joking with me. You can't carry me this long time. Your back will be hurt and you maybe forget I am pregnant. You have to carry two people's Weight. And wolfs are smaller then human size.

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