Chapter 2

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Gemini was about to go to the library if Fourth hadn't interrupted him and made him annoyed anyway he does care about his grade why would he skip this important project?

After a few minutes, Gemini grabbed his bag and rushed to the library.

The library was jam-packed due to this project almost everyone was here to discuss. Gemini looked around and spotted his group sitting near the window.

Gemini slowly walked towards the table and sat beside Prim as it was the only seat empty.

"Ohh hey Gemini, You are on time, We were just discussing, the parts which we are dividing among ourselves," Prim said with a huge smile and waited for Gemini's response.

"Look I told you" Prom whispered as he bumped his shoulder with fourths proving his point.

"Right, we should continue," Gemini said

Even though Prom and Fourth were troublemakers they were above average in class.

"So let's revise, We are supposed to create a project where we will be surveying a few people in rural areas about their hardships, and from their problems, we will be creating a useful solution, with a demo model," Fourth concluded there whole half an hour meeting which Gemini refused to join.

"Right so we decided that three of us will visit the nearby village and survey a few people this weekend, also the village we will visit is my grandmother's so we can have a night stay," Love said as she collected the papers, and placed them on the table.

"So is volunteering to visit the village?" Fourth asked, Well to his surprise ironically nobody,

"You know what let us all go this weekend it can be a small trip and we all can enjoy too," Love said with a huge smile.

"Look she is so cute" Prom whispered to Fourth without taking his eyes off Love.

"Can I not go, I have to study?" Gemini said,

"Come on now it's just a two-day trip its not like you'll die if you don't study" Fourth said getting up, annoyed by Gemini.

"I have my other reasons too," Gemini said opening his book again.

"Yeah and what other reasons are those?" Fourth immediately questioned Gemini back only to get another counterattack, "None of your business"

"Guys calm down," Prom said pulling fourth to sit back down.

"It's just a two-day trip, it will be fun I promise" Prim tried to get Gemini to join the two-day trip.

"Besides it is group work so we all should participate" Fourth said without looking at anyone. Fourth was never annoyed at anyone instead he was annoying to everyone, Gemini was someone else, to be able to get on the nerves of Fourth.

"Whatever" Gemini rolled his eyes,

Everyone understood that had given in to the two-day trip.

Prom was the most exciting one, to be able to share two days with love was everything he dreamed of.

"So everyone let's meet at the station near the school this Friday evening after school, don't forget to pack your bags tight, and Fourth please don't forget to create the survey questions and share them with everyone after tomorrow." Love informed everyone.

"Alright," Fourth responded.




Everything ended smoothly, But right now Fourth was in his room with a laptop on his lap, Gathering questions for the survey, they were also told to create a video as they took surveys.

My Beloved Enemy [GeminiFourth]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora