Chapter 8

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The next day as always Gemini entered the classroom and sat on his respective seat.

Today felt weird somehow,

Prom and Fourth entered the classroom all laughing and taking everyone's attention with their lame jokes, But others can't help but laugh and roll their eyes.

Today they were supposed to meet again and finally discuss everyone's ideas. Gemini was curious to know what the class clown had come up with.

Gemini saw someone place banana milk on the table, he slowly looked up to see it was Fourth, The suspicion he had for Fourth was slowly becoming true. Gemini was surprised, for as long as he could remember, Gemini and Fourth fought all the time, how could Fourth develop feelings for someone like this?

"What is this for?" Gemini asked, staring back and forth at the milk and then Fourth.

"Nothing I just bought this for everyone in our Group so I assumed I should get one for you too" Fourth pointed at the Prim's, Love's and Prom's table.

"I see" Gemini nodded as Fourth took his seat at the back,

Gemini sighed in his mind, 'Fourth has no other feelings towards me other than his group partner'. Gemini poked the straw in the milk and took a sip as there were still ten minutes before class and he didn't have breakfast in the morning,

Gemini finished his milk and concentrated himself back to work.

Mrs Fah entered the class and surprised everyone with a surprise test, Fourth had almost facepalmed himself, whereas Prom was thrilled, Prom was good In English as compared to Fourth, He was above average in everything except, English, So hearing this surprise test gave him a heart attack, well almost.

"This test holds a little bit of weight for your midterms so take this seriously also the questions in the tests are basics you read in 11th grade." Mrs Fah distributed a bundle of papers to everyone in the front seat, After a few seconds everyone had received the papers, and Fourth had almost given up, He turned to Prom for help and succeeded in getting two answers,

"Fourth Nattawat, Sit here," Mrs Fah pointed at the seat in the Front, Guess she caught Fourth cheating, He gave Prom crying eyes look and did as Mrs Fah said, Earlier he almost lost hope but this time it was far beyond losing hope.

Fourth continued to scribble and brainstorm as hard as he could to find the answers to the questions which eventually helped him to get 2 more questions but he wasn't sure if they were correct or not.

Only 15 minutes were left, If only god could show himself in front of him and give the answers he needed, Fourth turned to see how Prom was doing,

'Tch Look at him being all smiley" Fourth whispered as low as could and rolled his eyes.

"Here" Gemini slipped his paper out a little for Fourth to see, Fourth was surprised as he didn't think that Gemini would help, so he didn't ask in the first place.

Fourth pointed his index finger at himself, asking if Gemini was calling Fourth.

Gemini nodded and Fourth quickly started to write down the answers, Fourth showed a thumbs as he was finished writing half of the paper. Gemini looked at Fourth in confusion as to why is he not writing the rest of it,

"This is enough," Fourth said with a huge smile, as the god turned out to be none other than the Person beside him, Gemini Norawit.

Mrs Fah collected the papers and dismissed the class, Prom immediately Followed Prim and Love out of the class, looks like they had plans.

Fourth didn't know how to thank the person beside him who saved his ass.

"Thank you so much" Fourth leaned in and tapped Gemini's shoulders, Gemini nodded and continued to do what he was doing.

My Beloved Enemy [GeminiFourth]Where stories live. Discover now