Chapter 11

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Fourth's POV

Gemini has been talking more than he usually does. Asking why Fourth like him and how he feels when Fourth looks at Gemini.

Fourth can't handle this personality of Gemini. 

"Think about it okay?" Fourth said with a flushed face and left Gemini, who was dumbfounded. Fourth realised that in the heat of the moment he had told a lot to Gemini, He was so embarrassed.

"Ohh- ok" Gemini replied to Fourth who was long gone.

A few days had passed with Gemini sitting in front and Fourth at the back. Fourth was more than happy to give Gemini some time to think. 

During breaks, Fourth would accompany Gemini with Prom, Love and Prim.

Nobody in their friend group knows about what happened last weekend. Except for Prom, nothing can be kept hidden from him. Prim and Love had figured out a different atmosphere between them. Instead of fighting they were there talking to each other nicely, which was rare to see, But as days passed it became a normal thing.

"Guys my uncle will be back tomorrow" Fourth informed everyone as they stuffed their faces with a new menu today.

"That's great we can get this project going" Prim said wiping her hands from a tissue.

"When can we visit you then?" Gemini questioned the shorter.

"This weekend and besides it is almost time, we have to finish this before sports day"

Everyone nodded in agreement and Fourth informed everyone to visit his house in the morning so they could give their best in those two days.

Gemini and Fourth had become close. As time passed Fourth became greedy, earlier he was happy with Gemini acting nice, But now he wants to hold his hand while they go back home, Hug him and most importantly know what Gemini feels about Fourth.

At least confessing to Gemini didn't turn out as Fourth expected. He was worried about how Prim might feel, but she was calm about it.

Fourth was looking forward to this weekend, for his friend to visit his house. Earlier Prom only barged into Fourth's house, this time it's different.

Fourth had already informed Uncle Tay about his class project. Fourth usually referred to his uncle as P'Tay. His uncle was living in Canada with his husband, New. It was hard for him due to his parents not accepting his sexuality so he had to move out. But Fourth's mom supported him.

Fourth knew deep down that if his mother knew about him being attracted to boys she wouldn't mind.

Also, Love is Love, It can be in any shape and Form. His mother always told him this. His father didn't care about who Fourth talked to as long as they were a good influence on him. His dad is chill about everything. 

As usual Gemini and Fourth were on their way back home. Well, this time Prom tagged along. They all decided to study English for some time at Gemini's House.

"It's amazing and all but why is he tagging along" Fourth Pointed at his best friend, 

"you are so rude, I just want to study with my friends"

"Aren't you good at English?" Fourth asked side-eyeing Prom.

"Uhh well, it's been a while since I hung out with you, let's just go" Prom back-hugged both of his friends.

"Your friend is annoying," Gemini said as he shrugged Prom's hand from his shoulders.

"Oh My, both of you are so rude" Prom withdrew his hands and started to sniff, acting like he was crying.

My Beloved Enemy [GeminiFourth]Where stories live. Discover now