Chapter 5

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Everything was back to normal discussing their project twice a week, and enjoying their youth.

Gemini was sitting alone at the corner of the cafeteria during lunch break, Munching on his food while reading something. Fourth, he noticed that Gemini was alone, this was rare because Prim always accompanied him with Love.

Eventually, a bunch of students would be laughing with them. Was Prim not present today? Fourth approached Gemini and sat in front of him.

"Where is Prim?" Fourth started to chew his food as he spoke,

"Don't speak while you eat" Gemini continued reading his book.

"Fine fine, So where is she?"

"I don't know"

Seeing that Gemini isn't listening to him, Fourth decides to change his seat and sit beside him.

"Come on did you fight?" Fourth asked curiously,


"Damn you are so boring, at least give a little longer answers" Fourth stretched his arms in irritation.

Gemini ignored and continued to do what he was doing.

"You should be happy, I'm kind enough to share my precious time with you" Fourth fixed his collar and sat straight,

Fourth was annoyed, he tried to peek to see what he was reading but didn't go any further as he knew that it might go too far again.

Fourth has no idea what goes through the brain of Gemini, Why ignore only him and not others?

"You are reading that again?"


This conversation is pointless, only Fourth trying, this might go nowhere.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" Prom asked as he made himself comfortable.

"Nothing we were just dancing" Fourth said in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes,

"Gemini, I heard Prim confessed to you?"

"She did what?" Fourth shouted while he reflexively got up from his seat.

Gemini just nodded which shocked Fourth more,

"So are you guys a thing now?" Fourth asked

"You don't know? Gemini said yes," Prom answered.

This was funny as both Prom and Fourth were gossiping about Gemini and Prim in front of him. Fourth was confused, he didn't expect that Gemini would seriously accept Prim's confession.

"Congrats" Fourth said bringing his hand for a handshake, but as expected Gemini got up and left.

Fourth was confused, if they are dating then why were they not together 24X7 and when did she confess, How did Fourth have no idea,

"If you are curious let me tell you, that Prim confessed yesterday after school, and the pictures were shared aggressively throughout the campus via Twitter. They are the power couple now and the good news is I'm also dating Love" Prom took his leave as he finished himself, leaving Fourth with many questions.

Fourth was casual about Love and Prom but it was still really fast for them to be dating as far as Fourth knows Love and Prom have been talking for two weeks only. Is that much time enough for someone to fall in love, Similar to Gemini and Prim? Fourth always thought that Gemini was all about studying but he got to know that Gemini is interested in dating and reading inappropriate books.

Well, what they say is don't judge a book by its cover.

Fourth felt happy for Prim and Gemini but hurt too, He wasn't sure if he was jealous of Gemini or Prim. Who does he envy, Fourth has never fallen in love so this type of stuff is different for him.

He shrugged it off and attended the whole day as usual.




Fourth, Gemini, Prom, Love and Prim created a group chat to discuss their project work, and today was one of those days where they had to meet.

Fourth as usual was the last one to arrive.

"Sorry guys so where were we?" Fourth sat down taking out the problems he had merged of all the six surveys.

Everyone discussed and tried to find a solution to the problems but it was more difficult than expected.

Fourth didn't notice earlier but Gemini and Prim seemed to be sitting close to each other, After all, they are dating.

All these different feelings didn't exist when Gemini was not here.

He never experienced this much hatred as well as adoration towards a person, Feeling of hurt was also new. What are these feelings?

Fourth surely is a sensitive person but he has always tried to hide it inside him. It does bother him when people are talking bullshit about him. But prom always helped him through it.

"Are you fine?" Prom asked patting Fourth's shoulders.

"Yes really fine" Fourth realised that he had been overthinking again. Nothing new.

Even though Fourth has never hidden anything from his best friend, he couldn't bring himself to tell him about his newly discovered feelings, Maybe He isn't just sure what are these feelings yet, Even if there are romantic feelings for Gemini, How can he come to like his so-called enemy, What made Fourth fall for him?

Maybe when he saw Gemini blush because of embarrassment, or when Gemini was peacefully sleeping leaning on Fourth's shoulders or when he was cutely drawing something on the sand with a stick, How can such small things bring someone to like another person?

When Fourth created distance between them, Fourth didn't want to, it was his heart which malfunctioned causing him to be flustered due to the closeness.

The scent which Gemini had was not sweet but had a pretty unique fragrance to it, his soft hair, and pouting lips while he slept. 

Fourth had no idea that all this time, It was possible to fall for someone in two weeks. 

The way Gemini ignored him did pain him.

He wanted Gemini to also smile at him and laugh at his jokes, That's enough if he is just friendly to Fourth.

Three weeks had passed since Gemini joined his school. The realisation hit Fourth hard, He had realised that he had fallen for his Enemy, A boy, A straight Man who was currently dating someone.

Fourth had to do something to get rid of these feelings.

It felt wrong to have these feelings for someone who is already dating someone, Even if Gemini wasn't dating someone it was obvious that Gemini wouldn't feel the same way as Fourth.

Thinking about the moments they had in the car were so precious to Fourth now, he was sure that he would never experience something like that, especially with Gemini.

After all, Prim seemed the best option for him, She is pretty, Cute, Kind, Always nice to everyone except Prom,

Sometimes he would feel a burning sensation on his face which would roll down his cheeks and then his hands. He was so eagerly waiting for these feelings to go away. But how can they, these feelings are fresh and new.

Gemini slowly did become a little softer to Fourth but it wasn't like how it was with others. Fourth, he regretted snatching Gemini's book and talking to him badly in their first meeting. If he had not done those, would there be a chance that Gemini would at least accept Fourth as his friend, at least a classmate and not an enemy?

Fourth did stop being sarcastic and mean to Gemini, but not completely, Fourth always thought about how would Gemini feel if he discovered that Fourth had feelings that he shouldn't.

After all, this was true that Fourth's feelings towards Gemini had been growing from the very first time they met. In a subtle way.




End of Chapter 5

Gemini's POV in the 7th Chapter.

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