Chapter 7

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Gemini followed Mrs Fah to his new class. He was not in a great mood as today his parents had a small fight.

Gemini was determined to be the first in academics in this class too.

He introduced himself to everyone and took a seat in front. He knew right away that this class was chaotic, especially with two kids at the back.

'Idiots' Gemini thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

Gemini was surprised that he was assigned a project on his second day, but he didn't want to risk his grades, He had to participate.

After class, Gemini was just minding his own business.

"Hey, we have to go to the library for the project" Fourth called out to Gemini from behind. He was busy writing his stuff down and didn't want to be disturbed. He took out his other book as well.

At first, Gemini didn't hear Fourth but when he stood in front of him he realised that Fourth was saying something to him.

"Hey, I'm saying something," Fourth said again, Gemini was just writing down a few words as he was almost done. But before he could write the last sentence Fourth snatched the book from his hands,

Gemini felt annoyed it's not like he was running away he just needed a minute to write his last sentence.

When Gemini lashed out at Fourth, It backfired and Fourth left him alone. Gemini did know he was wrong he should have at least acknowledged that someone was talking to him, But his grades are always his priority.

Well, Gemini did find himself a new enemy on his second day.

He finished his work and dragged himself to the library,

As Gemini entered the library he spotted his group and sat beside Prim. Prim was extra friendly to him.

Fourth seemed angry with Gemini, They all decided that they would have a small two-day trip to Love's Grandmother's condo.

A few days had passed and they all boarded the bus. Prim was sweet and kind, but Gemini couldn't help but give a smile as Prim did.

Fourth was scrolling through his mobile. Gemini did steal a few glances but was focused on his book which he bought as a timepass. Prim did talk a lot, but Gemini just nodded with a smile, as he didn't know what should he say.

Gemini had always faced this problem of not being able to express himself with just mere words, how should he respond to someone? He doesn't know. So he usually just 'hmm" them or nods.

Also, he didn't find any point in having a lover, In the end, everyone he going to end up like his parents, So why bother?

Gemini, Prom and Fourth were told to share a room, and so they all did. At the end of the day Gemini and Fourth were sleeping on the same bed. In the morning Gemini didn't expect to be waking up with Fourth on him, He did find it grossed so he kicked him.

To be honest, Gemini didn't feel that Fourth was his enemy, He just wanted to see Fourth getting irritated it helped him a bit to distract himself from his family problems. Although Gemini disagreed with going for the two-day trip, he realised he did a good thing by going because he could finally refresh himself and two days without his parents fighting felt like heaven to Gemini.

But he did regret wasting his time, he could have studied a lot this weekend.

Fourth was busy shooting and Gemini was reading a book which he bought for timepass, When Fourth approached him and snatched his book yet again, It annoyed Gemini a lot. But it went too far when he started to read it aloud, He felt embarrassed and wanted the ground to open and swallow him whole. When Gemini realised that it wasn't working, He just requested Fourth.

The book that Gemini was reading was his brother's. His brother is a well-known author and Always lends those books to Gemini for review, His brother is bisexual so usually he writes boy's love and Straight Novels.

Gemini's brother's name was Phuwin he had been living away from his parents since he was 26 and wanted to focus on his career, Phuwin had realised that if he was stuck in that house he would go nowhere with his career.

So living apart was the best option, especially when you are with your lover, Pond.

When Fourth apologised to Gemini, Gemini did feel embarrassed, He wanted to end this conversation.

But to Gemini, it felt useless to explain why he was reading a romance book.

On their second night, When Gemini woke up he found Fourth at the same position as last night's, Gemini just got up and freshened up. He was neutral about it.

When in the car he noticed that he was leaning on Fourth's shoulder, He felt a weird emotion he never felt before, but he soon knew that it was temporary.

Soon after the trip, Prim confessed to Gemini.

Gemini was surprised because they had known each other for a few weeks, Gemini did feel attracted to Prim.

The relationship didn't work Prim was the one to break it off, Prim had realised that she was not the one who could make Gemini's heart race. Prim herself only dated once before Gemini so she knew a little bit about that everyone has their different ways of showing love, Some go for physical touch, while others go for spoken words to express, in this case, Gemini seemed to have none for Prim it was obvious that She was not whom Gemini liked.

Prim was mature enough to break it off in their second week of dating, She knew that this could damage their group project and friendship if they stretched it any longer, but Prim slowly realised that she wasn't as affected as she was before when she broke up with Win.

Gemini understood her and her decisions and somewhere between he realised that the feelings he had for Prim were nothing romantic.

He realised in their relationship that the feelings he had for Prim were admiration, The way she is also one of the top students, As well as has the right words for every situation, the way of handling things, etc.

Gemini had noticed that Fourth was absent for two consecutive days, Was he sick? Who knows,

Gemini came early to class because he had to revise, He had been studying all night as a few class tests were around the corner, He sat down on the front bench and kept his bag where it was supposed to be, taking out his textbook and started studying.

Slowly without realising Gemini rested his head on his arms and was slowly sucked into a deep sleep.

Gemini was startled when he woke up from his sleep half-heartedly, still, his eyes closed and realised that Fourth dragged a chair and was staring at Gemini,

Gemini did feel it was weird but wanted to know what Fourth was gonna do next, Prank him or something?

He felt a feather-like soft sensation touching his lips and caressing him like he is a delicate rose, This made him feel the same thing which he felt in the car.

"So cute" Gemini was shocked by the way Fourth behaved and acted, was Gemini dreaming? As far as he remembers Fourth thought of him as his nemesis. Why was Fourth complimenting and most important caressing his whole face?

Gemini was not dumb enough to not notice that Fourth might have a crush on him, as he is the master of reading Phuwin's novels. He once never imagined that something like this would give butterflies to him.

Gemini was curious to know why Fourth did that, does he feel something for him?




End of Chapter 7

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