Chapter 3

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"Your Grandmother is so nice," Fourth said.

"I know right she is such a kind human being" Love said as she smiled.

"Unlike some people," Fourth said as he side-eyed the person beside him, who was none other than Gemini,

"Anyways, you boys can stay here for this trip and our room is beside yours" Love said as she opened the door for everyone to enter.

"But there is only one bed can we all fit in one?" Prom questioned Love as she was about to leave with Prim.

"Sorry guys but I hope you can adjust" Love said with an awkward smile,

"I-" "Bye" Prom was cut in between by Love,

The three of them stared at each other.

Fourth decided to enter the shower first followed by Gemini and then Prom. At last, Prom was sandwiched between Gemini and Fourth. Well, assuming the tension between the both it was kind of guessable how they would sleep on one bed, Prom was running out of oxygen to breathe.

"You know what you guys enjoy I can sleep on the floor" Prom suddenly got his ass up and climbed down the bed, with a pillow.

Gemini was not expecting this, This was so awkward.

"Prom it's alright I can sleep on the floor" Fourth said as he felt bad for his friend, To be honest, it shouldn't be Fourth or Prom sleeping on the floor it should be Gemini, that's what is going on in Fourths head, but the guy beside fourth is stubborn and filled with arrogance.

"No it's fine beside it's hot there, I can enjoy the cold floor," Prom said as he hugged the floor.

Fourth Gemini had no choice but to spend the night this way.




Gemini slowly opened his eyes to see a literal leg on his chest, 'what the heck' Gemini thought to himself, as he completely opened his eyes. Fourth was sleeping perpendicularly to the way he was sleeping before,

Gemini was so grossed out by this, he kicked fourth off of him, and fourth landed on the floor.

"What the hell" Fourth said as he scratched his head.

"I should be saying that," Gemini said sitting up straight.

"What do you mean you kicked me FYI"

"FYI your leg was on me," Gemini said as he was getting off the bed, he felt someone else was also there in their room, Prom.

Prom was also sleeping perpendicularly,

"Why am I not surprised" Gemini said as he got up from the bed and went to the washroom.

Fourth found this so hilarious he was holding his stomach to not die out of laughter.

Fourth carried himself to the bed and then to his bag to reach out for his toiletries.

"Hey how much time do you need, we don't have all day" Fourth said as he mercilessly banged the door,

The door opened and Gemini got out of the washroom,

"You should tell your friend that" Gemini said side eyeing Prom who was sleeping like a bear.




Eventually, Prom woke up and everyone gathered in the hallway for breakfast, Everything once again went smoothly, and they were ready for the first day of this trip, 

They all decided to form small groups in which one of them would take the survey and the rest of them would film it.

"Prim, Fourth and Gemini, How about you guys form a group" Prom suggested, Fourth knew right away what was going on in that head of Prom's.

"Sure" Prim agreed as she was happy enough to be paired with Gemini, Fourth had no other choice but to agree after all he had to help his best friend.

Fourth had realised that in this whole trip, him being here was just third wheeling.

Both of the groups parted their ways, 

"So I will take the survey and you both can record it" Prim suggested.

"Alright" Fourth agreed and so did Gemini.

Gemini was just standing behind a little far from the shoot reading some book, Whereas Fourth was busy adjusting the camera on the tripod the camera.

Prim was holding a small mic, She was friendly and nice to the common people there, 

"Hey at least pay attention" Fourth stepped a little back and pushed Gemini a little to get his attention.

"I am" Gemini continued to glue his eyes on the book he was reading.

"Sure you are, btw" Fourth paused for a moment.

When Gemini realised Fourth wasn't continuing his sentence he looked at the shorter.

"What are you reading?" Fourth once again snatched the book from Gemini and cupped the book inside him. Gemini was not able to take his book back. 

"As the distance between us shortened I could smell his rosy scent which blessed my nose" Fourth started to read the book aloud,

"Hey stop this" Embarrassed Gemini tried his best to take his book back but the shorter was nowhere near giving it back to him.

"He gently placed his hands on my lips and stroked them a few times, I pushed him against me as I was eagerly waiting for him to kiss me" Fourth was enjoying the blush which formed on Gemini's face, 

"Please stop this" Gemini said as he stopped trying anymore.

Fourth realised that he had gone too far and he should probably stop teasing him now, Gemini snatched his book back and kept it inside his bag which he carried with him all the time.

Gemini acted like nothing happened and started to head towards the camera which was still rolling and recording prim talking to an old lady.

Fourth was actually shocked to witness that Gemini was into this stuff. He thought that Gemini was a nerd. Fourth had to apologise to Gemini, He must have hurt his feelings.

But at that moment Gemini felt so pitiful. His flushed cheeks and ears were cute too, Not to mention his neck was all red.

it was not a great move from the Fourth's side as it is not good to invite yourself uninvited to someone's personal, stuff.

Fourth slowly reached where Gemini was standing, To apologise.

"Hey-" "So we are done we just have to survey 1 more person" Prim cut off Fourth in the middle.

"Okay let's go somewhere else," Gemini said with a smile. With a smile? That was new for Fourth to witness as he was always welcomed with an unpleasant face which Gemini Souly made for Fourth.

The atmosphere was awkward, Prim's voice was only heard as both Gemini and Fourth were silent. 

"You guys wait a second" Prim ran to some place leaving both of them on the spot.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it too far" Fourth said as he was genuinely feeling guilty for what he did. The taller must hate him even more now, but why should he care if he hates him or not? 

"It alright," Gemini said.

As per Fourth, Gemini was a little different now, 

"Guys, you must be thirsty, have this" Prim came with drinks in her hand and she handed them out to Fourth and Gemini.

"Thanks" Fourth said and took the drink from Prim's hand and so did Gemini.




End of Chapter 3

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