Chapter 14

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Gemini's POV

Gemini was panicking in the cab, He couldn't believe he was clinging to someone like that. 

"That is so childish" Gemini spoke to himself,

He vaguely remembers the feeling of cuddling with Fourth, When he heard that Fourth left the room he quickly got himself dressed and packed everything. 

"This was so embarrassing and what you call 'cringe'?" Gemini face palmed himself.

He realised that what he has for Fourth is completely different. He had never felt like that before. 

Completely different from Prim, and besides she is pretty and Fourth is adorable.

Gemini didn't inform his parents about his whereabouts cause he was not in the mood for those interrogations. He knows his parents care about him. He appreciates it, But they were practically never home. When they were home either one of them would be present and the other would be absent. 

The thought his parents could get a divorce anytime soon was heartbreaking for him but he couldn't do anything about it. When he saw Fourth's parents and Love's grandparents being all lovey-dovey he envied it he wished his parents were like this too. 

Well to his surprise there was no call from either of them maybe they didn't even realise he was away from home.

Maybe it is better to just study as soon as he gets home.

Besides tests are coming up. He has to maintain his grades. He was getting distracted from his aim.

He paid the driver and entered the house. He knew it, they didn't even know he was home.

They were busy... Again.

He sighed and entered his bedroom. He buried his face in his pillow, as he threw his phone on the bed. He was tired, Why? He doesn't know himself. 

He was used to sleeping on this bed but it felt kind of off. Out of frustration he sat straight up and stared at his phone. 

"Ughh" Gemini rolled the blanket around him and stared at his ceiling. 

"So frustrating"




All five of them were ready with their presentation, the only aim was to nail it and get an A. Luckily Fourth's uncle was able to finish the model on time. 

Eventually, their turn came and they all expressed the project perfectly. Everyone gave them a round of applause and finally their two months of work was worth it.

It has officially been two months since they knew each other, they all could feel they have grown and known each other more. 

Who would have thought that a group project could get them to form a whole friend group?

Love and Prom were dating and they were famous around the campus for being the cutest couple.

While Prim would side-eye Prom all the time, though Prim can't deny the fact that Love was happier nowadays. 

A few days flew by. Something was throwing Gemini back. Fourth was spending more time with a girl nowadays. They became really close in just a matter of days. Gemini doesn't know how Fourth met her.

 She was really pretty, With her curly hair touching her shoulder and that bright skin. She stood out a lot. 

They looked like in love. Laughing at each other's jokes and her touching Fourth's shoulder whenever she got shy.

My Beloved Enemy [GeminiFourth]Where stories live. Discover now