Chapter 13

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Fourth's POV

The tune which Fourth played was one of his favourite songs, Gemini looked ethereal when he walked out of the shower. Though he didn't want to stop staring at Gemini he realised he would be creepy so he quickly adjusted himself to play another song. But before he could continue, Gemini spoke.

"I didn't know you played the guitar"

"Nobody knows except my parents,"

This corner of the room was close to Fourth's heart, his father bought this guitar for him when he was 7 since then he had been playing the guitar. He asked his parents to buy many books and CDs which helped sharpen his skills. He always wanted to be a guitarist but was too shy to play it in front of anyone. He rarely played it in front of his parents. Though his parents always complimented him, which would eventually bring a smile to his face.

Now he wanted someone special who could only hear him play and discover every side of him.

He doesn't know what encouraged him to play this specific sound in front of the taller. 

When Gemini heard him play, Fourth could sense relief on Gemini's face. The curiousness of why was Gemini showing this expression grew. But he somehow felt happy that he could help Gemini feel calm through his music.

Fourth knows that this is the third or fourth time they will be sharing the same bed. He was nervous, as well as happy and excited, maybe this could help Gemini figure out his feelings. Fourth wants Gemini to know more about him. 

He had already decided to give as much space as Gemini wanted, no rushing. 

When Gemini laid himself on the bed, Fourth wanted Gemini to feel as comfortable as he could feel, like how Fourth was with Gemini.

Once again Fourth admired the face which was snoring slightly, Guess Gemini fell asleep without saying anything.

Fourth stopped playing the guitar and who knows how long he admired his face. It even felt illegal to Fourth himself. Fourth never thought he could feel something like this for someone ever. Maybe the feeling that you could live with them forever was growing for Fourth. It did scare him when he realised that Gemini may not feel the same for him. Gemini may conclude that he doesn't like Fourth romantically.

He was brought back to reality when he heard a thunder.

If he hadn't been interrupted he may have spent the whole night like this.

He slowly held his guitar and kept it in the bag trying not to wake Gemini.

He closed the windows and turned on the air conditioner, quickly making himself comfortable on the mattress.

Now that he thinks about it, Fourth never met Gemini's parents, maybe they are working? The thought of living in a huge house like Gemini's alone was haunting for Fourth, What if you discover a ghost in the middle of the night? Isn't it pretty common in huge houses?

He was so enveloped in thoughts and realised that it was already 1 am. He could not sleep at all with little to no space between them. In the back of his mind, he was angry with his parents for buying him a single bed and grateful too. 

Fourth had an urge to touch Gemini's hair which was the same scent as Fourth's. How can someone look so cute and handsome at the same time?

Gemini in Fourth's clothes with the same scent, made Fourth skip a lot of beats. 

He may in his life get tired of playing the guitar but he would never get tired of calling Gemini cute.

As time passed by Fourth didn't realise but he eventually fell asleep. 

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