Bonus Chapter : Cam's Birthday

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It's currently 4 a.m. and I was laying in my room watching Grey's Anatomy.

October 15th.

Cam's birthday.

Now, like all guys he was never one to make a big deal about his birthday.

But me being me. I decided to make a big deal about it. What can I say?

Except you're welcome!

Gosh, I love Moana. Maybe I should-

Right. Back to Cam's birthday, I have no idea how I got distracted that quickly. Yesterday I bought some party blowouts at the store. The things that make that noise when you blow in them.

Just in case. You know?

I grabbed my phone then quietly opened my door and slowly made my way down the hall to peek into Cam's room. He was sleeping so I went in.

I pulled my phone out and set it up on a desk he had in his room and started recording. I quietly grabbed a party blowout and stuck it in my mouth.

I got closer to his bed until I was right above his ear. I took a deep breath and blew into his ear.



I fell on the floor laughing.

"What the hell Aaliyah!" Cam said looking around.

"I wish you could've seen your face," I said struggling to talk in between laughs. "Also you scream like a girl."

"It's 4 in the morning," he said looking at his phone.

"I'm very much well aware. Considering I waited until 4 to do this."

I got up off the floor, stopped recording, and grabbed my phone. "You know we have a busy day ahead of us."

"Do we really?"

"No, but I thought that would be a nice thing to say."

"I seriously hate you," he said pulling the covers over his head as he laid back down.

"Oh come on. You know you love me. Everyone loves me!" I said walking out of his room.

Now that I'm thinking about it maybe I should've planned something.


A couple hours later Cam finally came downstairs after trying to go back to sleep. He says he can't go back to sleep after someone wakes him up.

Weird right?

I decided to not even try to go to bed and got up and went to the party store to get everything for his party. Of course, I'm throwing him a party whether he likes it or not.

Then I went to his favorite restaurant and got him breakfast. I was not trying to burn down the house while Mom was gone.

She called a couple of weeks ago and told me the case she had been put on was taking a little longer than expected. I didn't mind. She was finally happy and that's all that mattered. I didn't care if she was here with me or halfway across the world.

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