Finding Peace - Lucius Malfoy

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A/N: discussions of abuse


Lucius Malfoy strode through the dim corridors of Hogwarts, his robes billowing behind him. His silver-blond hair cascaded down his back, contrasting sharply with the dark blue of his robes. His steps were hurried, determined. Anxious to check on his only child. Who would dare attack the scion of House Malfoy?

As he approached the infirmary, the heavy doors swung open in front of him, deferring to his unspoken will. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of medicinal potions and the remnants of healing magics. The room seemed too dark even with it being the middle of the night. Severus Snape was still able to see the worry that lined his friend's face as he sought the one reason for his visit – Draco.

Severus stepped forward to intercept his path so they might talk before Lucius reached the bed that held his son.

"Where is he?" Lucius asked, his gaze trailing the potion master's arm as he gestured to a bed along the far wall. Tension flowed from him in relief as he spotted Draco in a bed, holding a witch in his arms as they slept. His brow furrowed as he studied the two of them. You were a pretty little thing. Beautiful even, but you were unknown to him. "How is he?"

"He's faring better than he would be. Thanks in no small part to her," Severus answered in a soft tone, indicating the girl in the bed.

"Her?" Lucius asked, the single word holding so many questions.

Severus says your name with a nod of his head. "A shy little thing, with strong maternal instincts. She takes care of all of my snakes and a fair few from the other houses as well. She's been instrumental in soothing the uncertainty that remains after the Dark Lord's death and the end of the war."

Lucius took a step forward, trying to get a better view of you. "And she helped tonight, how?"

"Potter." Severus all but spat the name. "They were arguing and he cast a spell he wasn't familiar with. She stepped between them and took part of the effects on herself."

"What was the spell?" Lucius asked, quietly horrified of the possibilities.


His wide eyes snapped to the potion's master. "If you hadn't been there..."

"I am aware." The curse was one of Severus' own design and he was one of the few that knew the counter. Both of you would have bled out had he the man not found you.

"And what is to be done with Mr. Potter?"

"Unknown." Severus crossed his arms over his chest. "Albus has yet to make an appearance in spite of my patronus advising him of the situation."

Lucius closed the distance to his son's bed. Draco was pale, drawn but unmistakably alive. He cradled your small form against his side, one arm wrapped around you while his free hand ran in a constant loop along the arm that you had draped over his stomach. His pale eyes filled with relief upon laying sight on his father.

"Are you alright?" It was a simple question with a thousand unspoken words behind it.

Draco understood them all. He nodded once and kept his voice low. "I'm fine."

Lucius seemed unable to pull his gaze away from you. There was just something drawing him to you. "And her?"

His son looked almost devastated for a moment. "She shouldn't have done that. She should have never gotten between us."

"Is she your mate?" Lucius forced the words past the sudden lump in his throat at the thought. It wasn't usual for a submissive mate to protect their dom but it wasn't completely unheard of. They were ferocious in the guarding of their offspring, however.

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