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Since Bound By Destiny has finally crossed it's 1K milestone, I thought of opening up a Q&A session! Without further ado, let's get into it :D


Q: Why is Russia so unpredictable? Is he planning something?

A: Russia...he's not really unpredictable. He just seems that way because we are seeing him from Poland and Germany's perspective. If I were to write the book--and also not focus on the characters but rather the storyline--in 3rd person, I would think Russia's actions wouldn't seem so unpredictable.
As for the second question, I answered this to 1234germankitty in the chapter: Confrontation. Russia isn't really planning anything in particular but he is trying to get closer to Germany with the hope that if he "protects" Germany, he can become Ger's friend again.

There are another two reasons:

One being that this has been a longstanding order from Tsar USSR to regain the Prince of Darkness's trust--so that sanctions can be lifted from that kingdom and more trade can be done. Tsar USSR thinks Germany is quite weak (mentally) and he hopes that if his son (or minion) can regain Ger's trust, when Ger takes the throne, the sanctions can be lifted. Currently, they can't because Prussia is on the throne and is trying not to anger the other kingdoms since she can't risk having even more sanctions on their kingdom's products. (As it was, since the 1st Great War, lots of products were sanctioned and to get them into Brittiana for example was very difficult. The 2nd Great War made things worse.)

The other is that Russia wants more allies at school. He doesn't have that many aside from his siblings, China and NK. I mean he has a few more but they are a bit iffy with him--between balancing certain aspects and stuff (eg. Kingdom regulations) so he isn't too close to them. Of course, he doesn't say it out loud but he hopes that the two can truly be friends again. (Although in real life this is complete bs. I'm taking some creativity here.)

Side note:
While I'm at it, I'd like to take some time to explain which of the USSR's kids are at the Academy cause not everyone is there. To put things simply, USSR only allows his real children: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan (the last three countries were once called Transcaucasia) and the exception, Kazakhstan, to go to the Academy since they are the ones who will be ruling the kingdom (Aside from Kaz. Bela wanted him with her). Ukraine obviously has no wish to do so but is going anyways because the Tsar is forcing her.
Meanwhile what about, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan? The Tsar killed their parents (cause they tried to rebel but failed) but was "kind" enough to spare the babies. But he doesn't really like them too much (except maybe for Kaz because of Belarus) but still provides education for them. They are taught by royal tutors in different subjects. Other than that, they are mainly what the Tsar calls his "trophies" and are only allowed outside the castle during special occasions (eg. The Tsar's birthday). They are always forced to be kept clean and pristine and in perfect health or shape--specially--and must always have a smile. Essentially, they have a good life but it's very restrictive. Tsar USSR does this so that the locals won't rise and rebel against him ever again. Evil? Yes, very evil.

Q: GerPol?

A: As stated in the front of the book, this book contains only 1 ship which is Britain x France. There are no other ships and I do not intend to ever write romance in the book. It's not an enemy to lover trope.

What I can confirm however is that eventually, the two do become friends (yay, trauma bonding!).

I'm not interested in shipping countries even though you may see me in some RusAme/other CH ships books. (although I'll admit some of the ships are pretty cute [CanUkr is one of them]) Most of the time I read the books for plot. (But heyyyyy RR and WWMS make pretty compelling ships)

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