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Chapter 71 The God of Killing appears

There is a short and fat power mecha, walking towards Ye Qiuguo's aircraft.

"This aircraft should be the latest new model. It's still imported from other star countries. It's very valuable. It's really going to make a lot of money."

It walked up the aircraft stairs, "Let me see if I can crack it..."

The sound stopped abruptly here, and the mecha that moved forward quickly stopped suddenly and remained motionless.

The mecha driver holding Ye Qiuguo shouted at him, "Why don't you move? Go quickly. Don't starble. We can't stay here for too long."

With his urging, there was still no movement in front of him. The man stood still as if he hadn't heard it.

Everyone else couldn't help frowning and didn't know what he was doing.

Only Ye Qiuguo, who hung on the mecha arm, saw the situation of the short and fat mecha control in the warehouse from the side.

At this time, her eyes were round, as if she had seen something amazing, and even the pain on her body was forgotten for a while.

Other star thieves found something wrong. One of them stepped forward to check. After bypassing the short and fat mecha, he saw the front side, and the mecha couldn't help shaking.

"What's the matter? Hurry up. We have limited time to break through the network, and soon the network will recover. After the network resumes, things will be difficult to do.

"Can you stop the ink?"

Some people were impatient and stepped forward to urge the two people to frustle. After he saw the situation, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"I'll go!"

He only felt numb on his scalp.

Looking in through the glass of the cockpit of the dwarf robot, the driver inside was crooked on the cockpit at this time, and a slender wound on his exposed neck was bleeding, obviously cutting the aorta.

Strangely, this man did not make a struggle before he died. Obviously, it was a sneak attack, and it was still under their eyes.

What's more strange is that the mecha is not damaged. How did the murderer kill their companions silently in front of them through the bulletproof glass?

There are many advanced weapons on the star, but so far, no weapon can do this.

As the main force on the battlefield, mecha has done a good job in defense, and the materials used are extremely strong.

It will never be easily broken, let alone the mecha intact and the driver of the control room will die.

A star thief's voice was a little shivered, "Is he committing suicide?"

"It's impossible. He cherishes his life very much. It's absolutely impossible to commit suicide."

"Is it an ultrasonic weapon?"

"It's unlikely. We are so close. If it's ultrasound, it's impossible not to feel it at all."

"Then how did he die? We all looked at it openly. There was no movement around, but he died inexplicably.

Speaking of this, the star thieves are a little scared, as if there is an invisible knife on their necks and will fall at any time.

The next person who dies unconsciously will be them.

"It's a killer!"

Just as they had no clue and vigilant people were observing the surroundings, a painful and hoarse female voice sounded.

Their eyes turned to Ye Qiuguo, who was hanging on the mecha arm, and saw a cruel and proud smile on the corners of the round-faced girl's mouth.

"It's the killer. You all have to die."

The man who controlled the mecha arm threw her on the ground and made fun of her, "Do you still want someone to come to save you? Stop dreaming. No one will come to this place.

Ye Qiuguo curled up on the black-brown rock in pain and said stiffly, "Don't you know how to kill gods? He can do everything. Look at the man's death and cut the major artery of his neck flat. Such a neat method is the usual method of killing gods.

Seeing what Ye Qiuguo said, the star thieves couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The killer has been on the Star Network for a while, but due to geographical reasons, it is only popular in the local area network near the Milky Way.

Ruidaxing has also been mentioned in other domestic networks, but it is not so popular.

How big is the interstellar world? If big and small things are spread out on the Internet, people will pay endless news when they don't do anything every day.

Therefore, the interstellar network information is gradually spreading in a piece of area.

The center point is like a circle. People's attention is high, and the energy of the circle is large, so it will spread in circles.

If the attention is not high, the energy of the circle will be small, and the energy will stop spreading when it is used up.

The killing of gods was centered on the ancient earth, spread around the banking department, and slowly fell silent.

So that the killing god incident is very popular in the Milky Way, but out of the Milky Way, if it is not inadvertently brushed or deliberately paid attention to, some people may not really know this person.

Star thieves wander around. They may not have heard of the killer, let alone be fooled by Ye Qiuguo.

"Don't talk nonsense here. No one can kill the driver inside through the mecha. I think he committed suicide for some reason."

"The weapons in the interstellar may not do this. They also kill gods. What era is it? How dare you call yourself a god?"

"This girl is not very old, but her bones are quite hard. I don't want to teach you a lesson. I don't know the sky outside."

With that, the organic armor walked towards Ye Qiuguo, and the heavy mecha arm fell down. If it fell on Ye Qiuguo's body, he would be disabled if he didn't die.

Ye Qiuguo looked at the mecha arm that landed quickly, and her heart was so scared that her heart missed half a beat. She closed her eyes tightly and looked forward to it in despair.

She expected that she had guessed correctly. She expected that the killer god was nearby.

The imaginary pain did not come. She slowly opened her eyes, and the mecha arm was one punch away from her.

The cold wind made her stiff. Ye Qiuguo held a heavy body and slowly moved her head. Through the cracks in the mecha arm, she saw the driver's neck poofing blood in the cockpit.

At this moment, she was 100% sure that the killer was nearby, and she was saved.

The tight nerves were relaxed at this moment, and the piercing pain rushed to the forehead. The brain was dizzy, and he saw a vague figure falling from the sky.

The sky here is drowdy and the wind and sand are very strong. She can't see the face of the people coming clearly. She only sees that the figures are petite and exquisite, dressed in red, and she is a woman.

The hunting wind blew on her, and the red shirt outlined her slender figure, and the weakness seemed to be blown away by the wind.

Surprisingly, she stood still in the storm like a rock.

Ye Qiuguo was dizzy and couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth.

The killer, known for killing, is actually a slender woman.

The star thieves also noticed the person who came. They looked at the red clothes and were frightened.

The temperature of this planet is about minus ten degrees all year round. The girl only wears a thin long shirt and is calm, as if she doesn't know the cold.

What's more terrible is that they didn't feel the fluctuation of weapon energy in this woman. They didn't know when she appeared and how she appeared out of the air.

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