A New Inquisitor and A New Instructor // Chapter 6

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"Nice! Time for the first Dumbledore's Army meeting," Nicole cheered, looking down at the coin that was now spinning in her hand. She tucked the coin back into her pocket and started towards the Room of Requirement. Before she could get very far, newspaper clippings started flying around the halls. Thinking it was one of Fred and George's pranks she happily scooped one of the ground but stopped in her tracks when she read the headline.

Ministry Seeks Educational Reform. Nicole's eyes landed on the moving picture of Dolores Umbridge with the caption: Dolores Umbridge: Hogwart's First High Inquisitor. Nicole swiftly crumbled up the paper while cursing under her breath, "So much for a great first year." With that, she took off towards the club's meeting spot.

When Nicole finally made it inside the Room of Requirement, she saw a large group of rowdy students crowded around what she had come to find out was Harry. Before she could maneuver through the crowd she heard the doors behind her open once more. In walked Magnolia and Neville hand in hand oblivious to the matter that baffled the rest of their peers. Nicole apologized to Neville before grabbing Magnolia's hand and pushing the two on them through the crowd to the front of the classroom where Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood, overwhelmed by the barrage of questions being thrown their way.

Ginny nodded to the girls confirming they were there before turning to the group of kids and yelling, "SHUT IT!" At once most of the humdrum of the crowd shushed and Ginny's stern glance killed any remaining murmmers still lingering.

"Umm thanks, Ginny," Harry began, flashing her a thankful smile, "So you guys have obviously heard the news about Umbridge."

"I haven't!" Neville yelped before being hushed by Ginny.

"Well for anyone who doesn't know," Harry announced, "The Ministry has named Umbridge as the new 'High Inquisitor' of Hogwarts. We don't know what that means for our school, but it is even more of a reason to have Dumbledore's Army."

"If you feel unsure about coming to the meetings, now is your chance to leave. Judgement free." Hermione added.

"maybe a little judgment," Nicole mumbled before being elbowed by Magnolia.

After a few conversations sparked throughout the crowd of students, they all chose to stay turning back towards Harry.

"If there are no arguments I say let's get class started," Ron cheered.

"Lets!" Magnolia giggled.

"Alright everyone well umm what should we do first?" Harry asked, looking completely out of his element, "We could start with Expelliarmus, you know, the Disarming Charm. I know it's basic but I've found it really useful-"

"Oh please," a Gryffindor scoffed, "What is Expelliarmus going to do against You-Know-Who?"

"I've used it against him," Harry retorted leaving the kid speechless, "It saved my life in June."

"Listen Smith if you think this is beneath you then leave." Ron spat.

The Gryffindor didn't move a muscle. No one did.

"Right then," Harry laughed, "I reckon everyone grab a partner and start practicing. Niki, are you good to help out?"

"You want me to help you teach?" asked Nicole, taken aback by the request.

"I saw your skills firsthand in the maze, so yes I am asking you to help teach."

"Yeah. I'll help."

"Okay, then it's settled. Everyone start practicing, and we will walk around if anyone needs help." Harry instructed.

With all the students finally spread out Nicole finally had a chance to look around the classroom. The walls of the room were covered with mirrors. As she continued to scan the room she was reminded of her past Ilvermorny dueling club as there were multiple wooden practice dummies filling one of the corners, just waiting to be used. As everyone got settled with their partners Nicole lost all train of thought as the barrage of spells began.

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