Ties Revealed Prologue

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** King's Cross Station **

... Until it wasn't.

"Alright, alright," Molly Weasley exhaled, trying to wrangle all the kids, "Everybody is all set. Correct?"

"Correct!" they all groaned.

"Okay, okay. Me and your father are going to see the twins before we go back home. I trust you all are old enough to safely find your way onto the train. I'm looking at you, Ronald." Molly scolded.

"We'll get them on the train safely, Mrs. Weasley!" Nicole called out, already leading the pack.

"Bye, Mrs. Weasley!" Magnolia and Hermione shouted.

"Bye, dearies! Be safe!" Molley responded, finally turning to leave with her husband.

The gaggle of kids pushed their luggage carts through the train station in search of their beloved Platform 9 ¾ . Ginny and Nicole attempted to race towards the platform before being reprimanded by a police officer. The whole ordeal earned a laugh from everyone, including the girls.

"Non-mag are such debby downers," Magnolia called out.

"The muggle was just doing his job." Ron corrected.

"You Brits and your made-up words." Nicole joked.

"We are not starting this fight again!" Hermione called out.

"For the best," Harry laughed, "I thought you might stab Ron when he brought up biscuits."

"Biscuits and cookies are the bloody same thing!" Ron retaliated.

"No biscuits are meant to be savory and buttery. Cookies are sweet." Nicole argued.

"And look at that. We are at the Platform. No more arguing!" Ginny pleaded.

"Ginny's right! This year will be perfect!" Magnolia sighed.

"How do you figure that, Maggie?" Harry pondered.

"Intuition!" Magnolia giggled.

"That's what I like to hear, Magnolia! Let's do this." Ron cheered, running full speed into the wall.

Everyone followed along after Ron. The group reformed on the other side wall to say their goodbyes before parting ways to go reconnect with their friends. Ginny made a beeline for Dean. Hermione, Harry, and Ron made their way on the train, promising to save Nicole and Magnolia a seat. Magnolia scanned the area for Neville before locking eyes with him.

"Neville!" Magnolia cried out, before throwing herself into his open arms, "Did you have a good summer?"

"With your letters and my Nan's cooking. I can't complain!" Neville boasted.

"Niki, you remember when I told you-" Magnolia paused, turning around to see no one. "Niki? Where'd she go?"

"What are you doing here?" Nicole yelped with happiness.

"Well if you would've been at Mafloy Manner this summer as I instructed you to be, you would know exactly what I'm doing here," Frederick jeered, "But no matter. It is probably for the best you did not return to your cousin's home as you might have interfered."

"Interfered with what, Dad? What are you talking about?" Nicole questioned.

"Your mother and I have found the perfect way for us to get in the Dark Lord's graces once more," Frederick informed.

"You and mom? Bellatrix? The Dark Lord? Since when do you even care?!" Nicole stuttered.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking!" Frederick shouted, before composing himself, "As I was saying. The Dark Lord has bestowed your cousin with a very important mission, and if he is to succeed. You will be his prize!"

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