Nightmares and Night Flights // Chapter 14

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"Is that Harry?" Hermione yelped, jolting awake.

"Again?" Nicole grumbled.

"Come on Niki!" Magnolia hissed, rolling off Nicole's bed.

The girls hurriedly threw on their robes and slippers and rushed out of their dorm down to the common room. They caught sight of the Gryffindor painting slamming shut and Ron sprinting after it. Magnolia realized trying to catch up to the distraught Harry would be next to impossible in her human form so she crouched down to her cat form and sprang into action.

Magnolia darted between Ron's legs and caught up to Harry. Without giving it a second thought she quickly stood up and tackled the boy to the ground.

"Magnolia what the hell?!" Get off!" Harry growled.

"Just hold on!" Magnolia started, "You know we all are behind you, but you have to fill us in on whatever we are doing!"

"Yeah." Ron gasped, obviously out of breath, "What she said."

"Nice catch Maggie!" Hermione cheered, offering her a high five.

"Thanks!" Magnolia giggled, completely forgetting about the mission at hand.

"Okay Mr. Chosen One, mind telling me why I was dragged out of bed?" Nicole asked.

"I had another dream, but it was Sirius being attacked in the Ministry," Harry explained.

"Why would Sirius be in the Ministry?" Hermione questioned.

"Yeah, Harry that is a little odd. Sirius Black is still a wanted man," Nicole added.

"Maybe Voldemort knows we are close and wants revenge," Harry reasoned.

"That sounds like a trap, mate," Ron warned.

"What if it's not." Harry pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Suppose it's not a trap," Hermione began, "What's the plan? We aren't old enough to Apparate into the Ministry."

"Dumbledore had a Floo fireplace in his office. It'll lead to the Ministry." Harry explained.

"The office that now belongs to Dolores Umbitch?" Nicole questioned.

"Brilliant plan there Harry." Magnolia scoffed.

"It's the dead of night," Ron offered, "Even snakes have to sleep eventually."

"Just in case," Nicole said through a gnarled voice, "Maybe having Filch escort you will be safe."

"Ew!" Ron yelped while watching Nicole's face melt into the face of Argus Filch.

"It's a good safety net!" Hermione added.

"Enough chit-chat. Sirius could be in danger!" Harry warned.

"Okay, okay. Lead the way 'Filch'" Magnolia ordered.

The group made their way through the dark halls of Hogwarts. Every time they heard the old floor creek they darted behind a nearby corner or pillar. Thankfully the students didn't run into anyone on their way to the Headmaster's office and entered undetected. While creeping up the stairs Magnolia felt the hair on her airs stand at attention as if they were being watched. Before she could warn the group, Harry was already pushing the large stone door open and sneaking into the office.

"Alert the Order if you can," Harry ordered while crouched over the fireplace.

"Are you mental?" Ron stammered, "We are coming with you."

"It's too dangerous." Harry retorted.

"When are you gonna learn? We are in this together!" Hermione exclaimed.

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