Riding Lesson 3/20/24

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So, today I went out to get the Rez, and he was yet again stubborn about following, but... he came eventually.

It was just me and my friend today, since the other girl wasn't there. My friend was riding her horse bareback, since she couldn't put a girth on her because apparently a bunch of the mares had gotten into something that cause like an allergic reaction? So yeah... I still rode with a saddle, though, since we were going to be riding outside and my instructor wasn't sure if it was a good idea for me to go bareback, since Rez can get a little excited in the outdoor arena.

He was fine, though, so I probably could have, but I might get to ride bareback next week! Anyways, I did a lot of walk/trot transitions to practice picking up the right diagonal, since I have this habit of not waiting and just going straight to posting. I got Rez into a really nice trot when I was getting ready to canter him, and he did a really cute transition! His canter started off nice and controlled, too, until he realized that speed existed... alas.

I cantered Rez the other way, and he did pretty good that way too! Then we did a few trot poles, and in order to mAkE iT fAiR, my instructor had me do a sitting trot with no stirrups over them to match my friend. I technically volunteered to go no stirrups, though- and I went one-handed, so that was interesting.

To finish it off, my instructor said that I should try cantering Rez without stirrups, so I crossed them in front of my saddle to keep them out of the way, and actually got a pretty nice transition! Then me and my friend walked our horses back to the barn, and that was it!

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