Chapter 13-Temporary

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"I'll see you again soon," Kreis said. "I need to get back to Cetrulis Skyland first."

The Ryder commander turned and waved his hand in farewell. With a wave of his hand, Gael turned and left the Float. Alec followed after him, a bit disappointed that he would not be able to watch any of their arguments for a while. He was learning all sorts of insults and comebacks that he had never read and heard before. It would be useful someday.

Alec walked down the ramp, and his boots soon came in contact with the solid stone ground of the docks. He looked and found more people getting off other Floats, most of them around his age. He kept his hood up, eyes running over the new sights. He chose to ignore the stares Gael was getting, which transferred to him as he followed the older man.

It was the first time he left the ever-icy Arktis Skyland. Draeyer Academy Skyland was very different from his homeland. There was so much green everywhere compared to the constant blinding whiteness of snow. Trees with thick canopies of green leaves could be seen all around as they made their way out of the docks. Flowers of different colors were scattered all over the large areas of grass. If he went inside the woods, he was sure that he would hear all sorts of sounds from new animals and insects. He would get to see plants that he had only read about in books. Alec felt the urge to go explore the expanse of woods that seemed to occupy Draeyer Academy.

"I'm sorry but we're going to be riding a carriage, instead of riding on Asher," Gael said. Alec pulled himself out of his thoughts when he heard Gael's voice.

"It's fine," he said. "You mentioned he's been away from his mate for too long. I don't want to delay him any longer. "

"I promise to have him take you on a tour later this week."

I don't think I can ride another drae with the way I am right now. After Crimson...

Alec merely nodded in response.

When he looked up, Gael had entered a humble-looking horse-drawn carriage with what he assumed to be the emblem of the academy carved on its door. A baby drae curled on itself. He smiled at the image of the draeling, feeling at peace from looking at the image. He shook his head at himself and climbed aboard.


The skyland that Draeyer Academy occupied was huge. It was divided into four sections separated by tall stone walls. The carriage first passed through the Edge section, where the docks stood. It had many warehouses and offices that seemed to conduct administrative work for the academy. They were then waved through a gate soon enough, and the gravel road turned to cobblestone and entered into the Business District. Buildings made from red and brown bricks stood at different heights. Most of the buildings near the road looked like for commercial use, while further out he could see rows of identical residential houses. Like the first section, the buildings seemed to blend with the trees and grassy areas he could see.

Alec saw many people moving about this opulent district. Gael told him that the people he saw were composed of students, teachers, and other academy staff. There were even parents of students who chose to live in the skyland, so they could be close to their children.

"We'll come back here later for a shopping trip," Gael. "We're going to get you more appropriate clothes for this climate. You'll be too warm in the ones you brought if you continue to wear those."

Alec wanted to protest for a moment before realizing what he said made sense. He nodded at Gael's words and Gael's eyes lit up at his silent answer. Alec had a feeling that the shopping trip was going to be exhausting. He immediately looked Gael in the eye.

"I am using my own money," he said.

Gael paused, visibly deflating. "Okay, " he said. "But, let me at least buy you two things. One is a welcome gift from me and a thank you gift for volunteering to help with the case. "

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